Home > Lone Wolf Rising (The Winters Family Saga #1)(24)

Lone Wolf Rising (The Winters Family Saga #1)(24)
Author: Jami Brumfield

Savvy nodded, giving her best attempt to keep the smile from exploding onto her face. It made Rebecca feel terrible. Even if Becca was interested in him there was nothing she could do about it now. Regardless of her feelings Rebecca had no desire to get her sister involved in the wolf world. Grandmother and their parents did everything possible to keep them from this supernatural world and it seems that everything she’d done had only served to open the door to this dangerous world for all of them.

Savvy had so much excitement on her face and in her eyes. It was Rebecca’s desire to see her happy that finally helped her to choose a different perspective. She could say yes and Savvy would have a wonderful homecoming. Then she would warn Gabriel to not hurt her sister or else, after all she was his alpha, he would do what she told him.

‘No!’ The wolf whined, it was strange hearing the strong personality sound weak.

There was another point of view to consider. Rebecca made her choice, she chose Lucky, as long as they can work through the arranged marriage issue. If she showed she was okay with Gabriel dating Savvy maybe it would ease some of the doubt she saw in Lucky’s eyes this afternoon.

‘No.’ It didn’t sound as sad but the wolf did not like the plan Rebecca was making.

"If it means that much to you, you should go. After all, we’re all going together so it will be like adding one more person to our group date." Rebecca agreed. The words tumbled from her mouth like cereal into a bowl.

Savvy jumped up and hugged her tightly and Rebecca realized it was worth it, despite the nagging feelings in her gut, despite the somber mood her wolf was falling into. Seeing Savvy happy was Rebecca’s greatest joy, especially after all she had put her through lately. "He better not hurt you."

"It’s just a date, sis." Savvy bit her lip to hold back her thoughts.

Rebecca may not have been able to read her mind anymore but that look said it all. 'It was just a date that meant great possibilities.' Rebecca had to make sure he didn't lead her on and break her heart.

"How is your hand?"

Rebecca picked up the rules book. "Good, almost healed." She lied. If she could fill a jar with a dollar every time this new life required her to lie to a family member she would be rich in no time. The wound was healed, it was as though it never happened, but she continued to wear the bandage to avoid raising suspicion.

Rebecca spent the rest of the night skimming through the pages of the handbook. So many rules, so many dire consequences, it was a wonder that anyone survived the authority's wrath. Logically it was simple; follow your path, do what you want, within reason, live your life, but don't break the rules and don't share this world with the humans, period. It was their job to keep the supernatural world hidden undercover like a subculture, only more secretive.

It seemed that the Authority’s priorities were terribly inconsiderate. Killing other supernaturals was okay, but if you killed a human you would be punished with your own death. It seemed a little unfair. She thought the Authority would do more to protect the supernaturals more but that was not the case. If she sat down and thought about it logically she could understand. Who wanted to bring back the time when witches were burned at the stake, especially when you discovered your family was riddled with witches? The ‘Rules’ showed the Authority lacked simple compassion. She understood now why the Convent was necessary to create, giving supernaturals a choice.

Her fingers stopped when she got to the page that talked about the process to remove a supernatural leader. This was of great interest to her; it may even be the answer to all her concerns. Perhaps there was a way for her to transfer the alpha position without dying.

‘Not a chance.’ The wolf answered.

‘Don’t you ever sleep?’ Rebecca turned her attention back to the page.

She took a deep breath and began reading about the process. Right there in black and white was the answer to her problem, or so she thought. However, as she kept reading she realized the only reason Celestia didn’t perish at the process of being stripped of queen vampire was because she was already dead. Rebecca, as a werewolf, was not dead. Celestia is also immortal and werewolves are not.

‘Told you so.’ The wolf smiled with satisfaction in her mind.

Rebecca read a few more pages, staying awake as long as she could before her eyes insisted on closing. She fell asleep and dreamed of vampires killing alphas; dreamed of horrific battles between the two supernatural species. It was a nightmare full of death, countless deaths on both sides. Battle after battle kept her tossing and turning. After waking every few hours several times she decided to go for a walk and get some fresh air.

Chapter Seventeen

~"I did the best I could, and in some arenas, my best was not good enough. I've made some bad choices."

~Amy Grant


A walk in the middle of the night in Chandler isn’t necessarily the quietest of things to do. If Rebecca wasn't a werewolf she might have been scared of all the things that went bump in the night. When metal clashed against the asphalt she used her super sight to see that it was simply a cat looking for a treat in a trash can. When a screech shattered the quiet darkness her senses told her it was a car speeding away after a man and a woman got into a heated argument.

It seemed that the scary noises that go bump in the night aren’t so scary when you know what they are. Regardless, Rebecca found herself hugging her jacket closer as a makeshift shield.

The temperature was perfect that night. She enjoyed the cool, gentle breeze that tickled her skin and blew through her hair, which was still braided, but the tossing and turning worked loose curly tendrils that framed her face.

"You’re out late."

Rebecca knew the voice. In an odd sense, she hoped he would be out here; but realistically she knew it wasn't logical. It was a little creepy to expect he would be lurking outside her house. Regardless, knowing he was there made her feel safer. "This is a strange place for you to be hanging around, Gabriel."

"Someone has to keep an eye on you and your family." He grumbled, as he ran a hand through his dark waves. His hair was freed from the usual pony tail he wore; revealing thick, wavy locks just above his shoulder. The bright moonlight reflected off his strong features leaving the hollows of his cheeks and eyes shadowed which made him look a little more wicked than usual. He wore a black leather jacket and worn blue jeans. Rebecca could see what Savvy found so attractive in the man.

"Speaking of family, I hear you asked my sister out to homecoming?" Rebecca raised her eyebrow, marking the obvious unspoken question.

He shrugged, "I figured it would be a good cover. She sent me a text tonight telling me she was excited about our date, I guess that means she accepted." He locked his eyes with hers, “are you okay with us going out?”

"And what of my sister's feelings?" Rebecca snapped a little too quickly as she pulled her eyes away from his, which was a difficult task with her wolf panting away in her mind.

"It’s just a date, Rebecca." There was sadness in his eyes which bled into his face. Rebecca pushed down the urge to place a hand on his cheek for comfort.

"It may be just a date to you, but girls don't think that way. I can see it in her eyes. She is very interested." She hugged her light sweater closer to her body.

"Are you jealous?" He smirked playfully.

"Well, I think it’s odd that you tell Lucky you’re into mating with me and the next minute you ask my sister out to homecoming." Rebecca stated flatly.

"I think it’s ‘odd’ you told her to go with me." He countered, irritation flavoring his words. "I’d always thought when I met my mate she would be as into me as I was in to her." His voice got quieter and he seemed more vulnerable as he continued to speak.

"I’m with Lucky." Rebecca stated as a simple excuse. The wolf whined loudly in her mind.

"And that’s supposed to change things? The man is engaged to Felicity." He ran a hand through his dark hair pulling it behind his ears. "Not only is your cover story ridiculous but it makes you look like a fool." He seemed like he was struggling with finding a place to put his hands so he pushed them into his jean pockets, pulling his jeans down further and revealing one pack of his obvious six pack abs.

Rebecca bit her lower lip as she snapped, "And you look like a fool using my sister to get to me."

He chuckled, "I’ve looked like a fool since the moment I met you at the Authority. The plan was to challenge you, not be submissive and join you."

Rebecca frowned. She had a sneaking suspicion that was the plan initially. "Really?" He nodded and Rebecca slapped him. She was not sure where the slap came from, but suspected it was the wolf that took over her motor skills in that moment. Under the street light the red hand print told her she made her mark.

He grinned, not the reaction she was expecting, as he rubbed his cheek. "Instead, I asked to be a part of your pack and I made it clear to everyone you were under my protection. Had you accepted my request then and there you wouldn't have needed Lucky to help you."

Rebecca crossed her arms against her chest, using her body language as a barrier between them. "I still wouldn't have mated with you. No one can make that kind of commitment at seventeen."

"I’m seventeen! And so I’ll wait for you to realize that your place is at my side." He shrugged, "it’s the only option I have." He grabbed her arms and forced her to look at him. “But that doesn’t mean I won’t keep trying to win you over. I know this relationship with Lucky will be short lived. I know him. I know his commitments. When it ends, I’ll be here to pick up the pieces and take you as mine.”

Rebecca raised her chin, showing her defiance. “I’m no one’s property.”

“You were born to be mine and there will come a day that you realize it. I just hope you don’t make me wait too long. I don’t want to spend the rest of our lives with you trying to apologize for how you treated me when we first met.”

“You are terribly sure of yourself.” Rebecca snapped, but even as she tried to hang onto her resolve, she felt herself losing. She needed to leave, to go back to the safety of her bed.

“Unlike you, I was born a wolf. I understand what is happening between us. You don’t.” He smiled softly. “I felt connected to you the moment I met you. But when I kissed you and tasted you I knew who you were, and I’ve been waiting for you for a very long time.”

"You can go find another mate." Even as the words left her lips she wanted to pull them back, erase them from both of their memories like one could do with words on a chalk board.

He laughed; a deep laugh which vibrated from his chest. He sounded so strong even then. "Sweetheart, there’s no one else. You’re it. My wolf and I are very selective."

"Or perhaps you’re hoping that I make my sister a wolf so you can be with her." Rebecca was angry which confused her because she didn't understand why. She made her choice. She was going to fight for Lucky.

"It doesn't work that way, but until you do give in, I’ll simply be here, protecting you and your family."

"You call dating my sister protection? I call it spiteful." Rebecca pulled from his grasp and turned to leave him there on the street alone.

He whipped her around faster than anyone she’d ever seen. "Come on, Rebecca, seriously?" He slipped his fingers into the belt loops of her jeans and pulled her close to him; the heat rising and threatening to explode between them.

"I’m not going to hurt your sister, just protect her Friday night." He slipped a loose tendril of Rebecca’s hair behind her ear, she shivered. He looked deeply and tenderly into her eyes, she felt like her soul was opening to him. "As for you, I think you know everything I’ve done since I met you has been to protect you and your family." He pulled her closer to him, if that was possible, and Rebecca’s breath caught in her throat. She knew this was getting dangerous. She knew she should turn and walk away. Being close to him was perilous; she didn't always have control over her wolf, especially where Gabriel was concerned.

"I enrolled in your school, befriended your siblings, took care of the blood," he ran a large hand through his dark hair. "Hades, woman, even asking your sister to the dance when my heart lies elsewhere with you speaks volumes to what I’d do for you. How can you doubt me?"

"I allowed you into the pack." Rebecca raised her chin defiantly. She wanted to laugh at him, to deny his statements but realization and the wolf didn’t allow her to be so hurtful. He was right. He had been a protector since they met. “Do you expect me to mate with every man who is brought into the pack?”

Gabriel growled deeply “Over my dead body!” He took a breath. “The only reason Lucky is still standing is because he is one of my closest friends.”

Parts of her body vibrated that she didn’t even know existed. She swallowed hard against the passion rising in her body. "I just don't understand why you’re so convinced of this." Her words were barely above a whisper.

“When you learn more about me you’ll understand better. I promise.” He smiled warmly, "you are my alpha and I’m loyal. Even though I was exiled." Memories of what Angel told Rebecca about the brutality his father showed him when he defied his command ran through her mind and caused her to shiver, which resulted in him pulling her closer. "I told my father that I will lay down my life, give all I have to my alpha except one thing, my heart. That belongs to my mate." He shook his head and grinned, "It’s rather ironic that my new alpha happens to be my mate and owns my heart."

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