Home > The Last Days (Peeps #2)(49)

The Last Days (Peeps #2)(49)
Author: Scott Westerfeld

Even humming made me nervous now. Smelly underground monsters.

I shrugged. "Why don't you ask Astor Michaels about it, then?"

"He doesn't know any more than we do," Lace said. "He's just some record producer, trying to find the Next Big Thing. He's immune to the parasite's worst effects, but that's more common than you'd think."

"I'm a carrier myself." Cal smiled, all proud of himself. He'd already come by my room to explain how he was naturally immune and how he'd been a badass vampire-hunter even before the crisis. Now he worked for something called the Night Watch, which was run by someone called the Night Mayor. Oooh! Spooky.

I batted my eyes again. "Did you get up to tricks like Astor Michaels did, Cal? Were you bad?"

"No." He swallowed, then Lace gave him a look. "Well, not on that scale. And never on purpose..."

"Did you infect her?" I asked, pointing at Lace-short-for-Lacey. I'd seen them being all kissy through the bars of my window.

"No," he said in a tiny voice. "My cat did."

"Your cat?" I blinked. "Kitties can do that?"

"Felines are the major vector," Cal said. "The parasite hid in the deep-dwelling rat population for centuries, until the worms drove them up to the surface..."

As Cal went on with his parasite-geek lecture, which he loved to do, I remembered back to before I got sick. As the sanitation crisis had settled over our street, Zombie started spending a lot of time outside. And every night he'd come home and sleep on my chest, breathing his cat-food breath into my face.

That was how I'd gotten sick? From Zombie?

That meant that Mark wasn't such a dirty dog after all. He hadn't given the nasty to me; I'd given it to him...

"Oops," I said softly.

I wondered where Zombie was now. I always left the apartment window open so he could visit his little friends, but Manhattan looked pretty bad on TV. The whole island had been sealed off by Homeland Security, like that was going to keep the parasite from spreading.

Cal had explained to me how clever the parasite was: it turned infected people horny, hungry, bitey - anything to pass on its spores - and made them despise everything they'd loved before. That's why I'd thrown away Mark and my dolls and my music, why Moz had smashed his Stratocaster to bits. The anathema, as Cal called it, pushed infected people to run away from home and head to the next town over, and the next town after that...

It wouldn't be long before the whole world had it.

There were full-scale riots in most big cities now, blood-thirsty maniacs running around doing vile things - and not all of them were infected, you could totally tell. Schools were shutting down, the roads were choked with refugees, and the president kept making speeches telling everyone to pray.

No shit.

But the news never mentioned cat food supplies, not that I ever saw. So what was Zombie eating now? He didn't mind birds and mousies, but he always puked them up.

"Anyway," Lace said, noticing I wasn't listening. "We don't really care how you got the disease or how your voodoo friend cured you. This is about your songs."

I smiled. "They make the ground rumble. Want me to sing one for you?"

"Um, not really," Cal said, then he frowned. "That worm was probably just a coincidence anyway. But certain people around here are interested. They've been listening to recordings from that night, and they want to know where you got those lyrics."

"You need my help? But I thought you had this stuff down to a science."

Lace took a slow breath. "Maybe what happened that night wasn't strictly science."

Cal turned to her. "What do you mean by that?"

"Dude! You saw what happened! That shit was..." Her voice faded.

"Paranormal?" I looked down at my fingernails, which needed a manicure. They were still growing faster every day, even though I was cured. "Okay. I'll tell you everything I know... if you let me see Mozzy and the others. I want us to be together. We're a band, you know."

"But the other three tested parasite-negative," Cal said.

"I told you they would."

He frowned. "Yeah, I guess you did. But if we let you see them, you can't do anything that would compromise their health."

"Eww! I wouldn't kiss any of them."

"Kissing's not the only vector."

I tried not to roll my eyes. Anything to get out of this smelly room. "Okay, I promise not to share my ice cream."

"Cal," Lace said. "If she really wanted to infect them, she could have already." She turned to me. "But Moz is still dangerous."

"I can handle Mozzy. He just needs his tea."

"He's getting better stuff than tea," she said. "But he's still in bad shape. It's not pretty."

I snorted. "I've been tied to a bed in a nuthouse, screaming and trying to bite my doctors' fingers off. And then locked in my room for three months, hating myself and eating dead chickens raw. Don't talk to me about pretty, Miss Lace-short-for-Lacey."

The two of them looked at each other all seriously, then argued for a while longer, but I knew that eventually I'd get my way. They wanted to know about my songs real bad.

And like Astor Michaels always said, you had to keep the talent happy.



The Night Watch stuck me, Zahler, and Alana Ray in one of their "guest rooms," a little cluster of cabins at the forested edge of the compound. We were free to go where we wanted in the compound, except the hospital where Moz was, but outside our door a tall fence stretched in both directions. Razor wire coiled down its length, reminding us that we were prisoners; not because they wouldn't let us out, but because outside was too deadly for us now. Special Guests all over again.

There wasn't much to do except watch the world end on TV.

Thanks to jet planes, overcrowded schools, and the sheer six billion of us all crammed together, the disease was spinning out of control. It hit critical mass in New York City in that first week we were out in Jersey, spreading faster than anyone could contain, conceal, or comprehend what was happening. The talking heads all went lateral, of course, blaming terrorists or avian flu or the government or God. All nonsense, though at least they'd stopped pretending this was just a sanitation problem. But none of them seemed to get that the world was ending.

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