Home > Lailah (The Styclar Saga #1)(33)

Lailah (The Styclar Saga #1)(33)
Author: Nikki Kelly

“Gabriel saved me, but I had trouble adjusting. When I was changed, I was taken away from my wife and daughter. Gabriel told me I couldn’t risk returning to them. He said I wasn’t ready. But I didn’t listen.”

He stopped there. I shouldn’t have pushed but I couldn’t help myself. “Did you say good-bye to them?”

“In a manner of speaking. Gabriel was right, I wasn’t able to control myself.” He rubbed his eyes.

“It wasn’t your fault,” I whispered. “You didn’t ask to be what you are.”

Ruadhan blinked, and the flecks of green in his eyes started to swirl. He certainly appeared to be far more able to restrain his impulses than Jonah.

“That may be true, but what I am now is … I would have ended things myself, but I have a debt to Gabriel for risking himself for me.”

“That’s the only reason you go on?” I said.

“Yes. I have assisted him in freeing the others. I hope in some way that my support will allow me some small form of redemption. Though I know when my final end comes, I cannot be saved past this existence. But I’ve got a duty to Gabriel to help him in any way I can.”

I struggled with the idea that this wise and caring being would simply stop existing when his end finally befell him.

“So you go on for him? Only him?”

“Yes. When he no longer needs me, I will ask him to be the one to finish this. I’m evil, we all are—our choice or not. Nothing evil should be allowed to exist in this world. We belong in Hell, right alongside our creators … the Purebloods. I hope to help send them back to the darkness from whence they came, before my final day does come.”

“Even your Gualtiero? Do you not still have some form of connection to him?”

His eyes blazed momentarily before he answered me. “Especially my Gualtiero. If you believe nothing else you hear while you keep our company, believe me when I tell you that if I were ever presented with an opportunity of ridding this world of one of them—any of them—I would not hesitate. In fact, I pray that I am given the opportunity.”

His words cut through the air between us.

We sat, neither of us talking. I felt the weight and enormity of Ruadhan’s guilt and loss now weighed heavily on my own heart.

My lunch finally arrived: several lamb cutlets—undercooked and dribbling blood—together with roast potatoes, Yorkshire pudding, and vegetables, all submerged in thick brown gravy. I realized suddenly that I was in fact quite hungry after all.

“Looks grand, that!” Ruadhan laughed. “A hearty meal for a hearty girl!”

I went straight for the lamb; it was chewy as it hadn’t seen the oven long, but delicious.

Ruadhan placed his hand on my arm as I cut into my meal. “You know, you remind me of my daughter.”

I stretched a small smile as he moved his heavy hand from me. “How did you find Gabriel?” I spoke softly despite the outside seating area brimming over with people and the noise filling every available inch.

“He found us, all of us. Hanora was the first he saved. I was shortly after.” He leaned back in his seat and folded his arms together, and suddenly seemed very fascinated by his pint glass, his eyes not moving from it for a while. “Gabriel seems to believe that there are Gualtieros and their armies looking for you.”

I was surprised by the turn in conversation.

“He trusts me implicitly and I him,” Ruadhan continued. “He isn’t telling me everything, not yet. And I get that; there’ll be a good reason for it. But he has told me that they want you and he doesn’t understand why. He’s got us on full alert, patrolling the village in shifts. You clearly mean something to him.”

It was more of a statement than a question. I munched on my carrots while I considered my response. “Why that is, your guess is as good as mine,” I said.

It wasn’t a lie; it was the truth. Ruadhan seemed content with my answer, for now at least. We passed the rest of the conversation on lighter topics.

By the time I had finished my lunch, I was stuffed. We made our way to the exit and Ruadhan settled up before escorting me out of the pub.

Deciding that it would be wise to walk off the meal, we proceeded to trek across the many different trails and roads around the village. I didn’t mind; it was a change to be out in the fresh air, even if it was frosty. The new Chanel jacket was too fancy for the outing, but it kept me sufficiently warm as we walked for what felt like miles. I still didn’t have my bearings among all the fields, streams, and tall trees.

It was almost six o’clock; we had been going for over four hours and the night was drawing in. Letting out an unwanted yawn, I covered my mouth with my hand.

“Oh dear, sweetheart, have I worn you out? I’m sorry, I rather forget sometimes.… Not used to the company of a mortal! Your legs must be aching!”

As I looked up to reply, I waffled.

“What’s wrong?”

Against the darkness Ruadhan almost sparkled like the stars in the dark sky.

“Our kind are created out of darkness,” he said. “We are strongest when it’s dark.”

I wondered about my Angel. “And Gabriel?”

“He is born out of light, he feeds off the sun. On Earth, his gifts peak at sunrise and weaken at sunset.”

It made sense. Whether day or night, Gabriel was almost impossible to take in, unlike anyone or anything I had ever seen. My knees weakened as I pictured his face.

“We should get back. He’ll be waiting for you.”

“How far do we have to walk?” I asked, hoping we weren’t miles away.

“Not far. Can you manage, or would you prefer a lift?” He smiled.

“Um, we can walk.”

Half an hour later we were near the property, and I finally gave in, letting Ruadhan carry me the last bit of the way. Sure enough, at the front door, Gabriel was standing there smiling widely at me, displaying his perfect white teeth.

“She’s all yours!” Ruadhan laughed, lifting me from his shoulders and placing me in Gabriel’s arms, leaving us alone together.

“Did you have a nice time?” he asked me, his dimples set deeply into the sides of his cheeks.

I stretched my body in his arms and raised the back of my hand to my temple, attempting my best damsel-in-distress routine. “Funny, I never ever thought I’d need rescuing from a Vampire because he was forcing me to exercise!” I laughed, burying my head into the crevice between his shoulder and his chin.

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