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Bloodlines (Bloodlines #1)(34)
Author: Richelle Mead

"That was rude," I told him. "You didn't even say goodbye to them."

"Sorry if I don't bring out my best manners for vampires," snapped Keith. "I'm not as close to them as you are."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I demanded, crossing my arms. Staring him down, I felt all my old animosity bubble up. It was hard to believe that I'd been laughing just a minute ago.

Keith sneered. "Just that you seemed awfully cozy with them in there - hanging out, having a good time. I didn't know this was where you spent your free time after school."

"How dare you! I came here on business," I growled.

"Yeah, I could tell."

"I did. I had to talk to Adrian about Jill."

"I don't recall him being her guardian."

"He cares about her," I argued. "Just like any of us would for a friend."

"Friend? They're not like us at all," said Keith. "They're godless and unnatural, and you have no business being friends with any of them."

I wanted to shout back that from what I'd observed, Lee was a hundred times more decent of a person than Keith would ever be. Even Adrian was. It was only at the last second that my training kicked in. Don't raise a fuss. Don't contradict your superiors. No matter how much I hated it, Keith was in charge here. I took a deep breath.

"It was hardly fraternizing. I simply came by to talk to Adrian, and Lee happened to be here. It wasn't like we'd all been planning some big party." Best not to mention the group date plan.

"Why didn't you just call Adrian if you had a question? You called me."

Because being face-to-face with him is less sickening than being around you.

"It was important. And when I couldn't get ahold of you, I figured I'd have to drive over to your place anyway."

Hoping to shift away from my "bad behavior," I jumped in and recapped everything that had happened today, including Jill's sun exposure and Micah's attentions.

"Of course she can't date him," he exclaimed, after I'd explained about Micah. "You have to put a stop to that."

"I'm trying. And Adrian and Lee said they'd help."

"Oh, well, I feel a lot better now." Keith shook his head. "Don't be naive, Sydney. I told you. They don't care about this stuff as much as we do."

"I think they do," I argued. "Adrian seemed to get it, and he has a lot of influence over Jill."

"Well, he's not the one the Alchemists are going to come after and send off to re-education for playing around with vampires when she should be disciplining them."

I could only stare. I wasn't sure which part of what he'd just said was more offensive: the well-worn insinuation that I was a "vamp lover" or that I was capable of "disciplining" any of them. I should've known his false friendliness wouldn't last.

"I'm doing my job here," I said, still keeping my voice level. "And from what I can see, I'm doing more work than you, since I'm the one who's been putting out fires all week."

I knew it was an illusion, seeing as the glass eye couldn't really stare, but I felt like he was glaring at me with both eyes. "I'm doing plenty. Don't even think to criticize me."

"What were you doing here?" I asked, suddenly realizing how weird that was. He'd accused me of "socializing" but had never explained his motives. "I had to see Clarence, not that it's any of your business."

I wanted more details but refused to let on how curious I was. He'd been here yesterday too, according to Lee. "Will you call the school tomorrow and get Jill excused from PE?"

Keith gave me a long and heavy look. "No."

"What? Why not?"

"Because being out in the sun won't kill her."

Again, I bit down on my anger and tried for the diplomacy I'd been schooled in. "Keith, you didn't see her. Maybe it won't kill her, but it was miserable for her. She was in agony."

"I don't really care if they're miserable or not," Keith said. "And neither should you. Our job is to keep her alive. There was no mention of making sure she's happy and comfortable."

"I wouldn't think anyone would have to tell us," I said, aghast. Why was he so upset? "I'd think being sensitive human beings, we could just do it." "Well, now you can. You can either get someone above us to issue a note to the school or you can give her ice baths after gym class. I really don't care what you do, but maybe it'll keep you busy enough that you'll stop coming over here unannounced and throwing yourself at creatures of darkness. Don't let me hear about this happening again."

"You are unbelievable," I said. I was too upset and at a loss for words to manage anything more eloquent.

"I'm looking out for your soul," he said loftily. "It's the least I can do for your dad. Too bad you aren't more like your sisters."

Keith turned his back on me and unlocked the car door without another word. He got in and drove off, leaving me staring. Tears threatened my eyes, and I swallowed them back. I felt like an idiot - but not because of his accusations. I didn't believe for an instant that I'd done anything wrong by coming over here. No, I was mad - mad at myself - because I'd let him walk away with the last word and because I hadn't had the nerve to say anything back. I'd stayed silent, just like everyone always told me to.

I kicked the gravel in my anger, sending a spray of it into the air. A few small rocks hit my car, and I winced. "Sorry."

"Would he accuse you of being evil for talking to an inanimate object?"

I spun around, heart racing. Adrian was leaning against the house, smoking. "Where did you come from?" I demanded. Even though I knew everything there was to know about vampires, it was hard to shake superstitious fears of them appearing out of thin air.

"Other door," he explained. "I went out to smoke and overheard the commotion."

"It's rude to eavesdrop," I said, knowing I sounded unbearably prim but unable to stop myself.

"It's rude to be an ass**le like that." Adrian nodded toward where Keith had driven away. "Are you going to be able to get Jill out of class?" I sighed, suddenly feeling tired. "Yeah, I should be able to. It'll just take a little longer while I get some other Alchemist to be our fake parents. Would've been a lot faster if Keith had done it."

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