Home > Rift (Nightshade Prequel #1)(31)

Rift (Nightshade Prequel #1)(31)
Author: Andrea Cremer

Alistair waved and Kael shouted, “Why did you put the poor girl on that demon? Are you trying to kill her?”

Barrow shook his head. “Ignore him. He was kicked and had a broken rib as a result, but it was his own foolishness, not Caber, that led to the kicking.”

Ember half smiled, knowing Caber could have bitten someone’s finger off and she’d still feel lucky to ride him.

“We thought you two might be interested in seeing some more action,” Kael said. “The real kind.”

“There’s a problem in Cornwall,” Alistair said. “We’re leaving now.”

Ember tightened her grip on the reins. “When will you return?” As much as she was adjusting quickly to her new home, the thought of the only familiar face being long absent unnerved her.

Kael shrugged. “Depends on what we’re dealing with. But if all goes well, before dinner.”

Ember stared at him. She must have heard wrong—a journey to Cornwall would take days, not hours.

“Thanks for the offer,” Barrow said. “But she’s not ready.”

Ember winced at his curt answer.

“That’s not what the sisters say,” Kael told him. “They said she’s a natural. They were watching the trial.”

“She has talent,” Barrow replied. “But we’ll be in the field soon enough. Today we’ll ride.”

“You and your horses.” Kael snorted. He turned falsely mournful eyes on Alistair. “I’m afraid we’ve been cruelly rebuffed.”

“And my heart aches because of it.” Alistair winked at Ember.

“Save your laments for the south.” Barrow was already turning Toshach around. “At least Cornwall will be warm.”

Alistair held her gaze for a moment longer. “I’ll see you tonight, Ember.”

“But you’re going to Cornwall,” she said, and then felt a bit dizzy when she remembered Morag’s description of the magic wielded by Conatus’s clerics. Would Alistair and Kael truly be in Cornwall and return in the same day?

“And I’m sorry you’re not coming,” he said. “Barrow’s right. The weather will be much more pleasant in the south.”

“Ember!” She turned in the saddle to see Barrow waiting for her, Toshach dancing beneath him.

When she looked back, Alistair was walking away, waving to her. She lifted her hand briefly before reining Caber in the opposite direction.

Her mind was more agitated than Caber, but Barrow wasn’t in a talking mood. As soon as she reached him, he set out at a faster pace. The swift trot took them across the courtyard and out of Tearmunn’s gates. The horses easily mastered the steep path from the keep into Glen Shiel. Ember could feel the tension in Caber’s muscles. The quick, steady pace of their trot was irritating him.

“When we hit the valley floor, we’ll follow the river to Loch Duich,” Barrow said. “They’ll want to open up, but I’m keeping it to a canter for now. Don’t give Caber his head.”

Ember nodded and Barrow urged Toshach forward. The black stallion leapt ahead, shaking the reins when Barrow kept him from reaching a full gallop. Caber rolled into a canter, keeping close to Toshach. Ember felt Caber champing at the bit, wanting to get control away from her. His ears were up, turned toward her, and she knew the horse was testing her, wondering if his rider matched him in cleverness and skill. She kept a firm hold on the reins, letting her body flow with the easy rocking of Caber’s gait. The stallion snorted a few times, shaking his head, rolling his eyes back, but soon he seemed to settle into contentment as they loped alongside the river. Barrow turned to look at her, smiling when he saw her keeping pace just behind Toshach. He gave Toshach a bit more rein and the dark stallion surged ahead, the canter giving way to a gallop.

Caber tried to burst into a flat run, but Ember held him back. Though he snorted and tugged at the reins, she forced him to speed up gradually. Only when she was sure he was acting with her assent did Ember free the stallion to fly after Toshach.

Barrow glanced back again and Ember offered him a thin smile. It wasn’t only her mount testing her; her teacher was too. She leaned forward, letting Caber race ahead to close the distance between them. When Caber was neck and neck with Toshach, eager to leap ahead, Ember reined him in, working to keep perfect pace, stride for stride with Barrow’s mount.

They rode that way for half an hour. Barrow would make subtle changes in speed followed by sudden shifts in their pace. Each time Ember adjusted accordingly, never letting Barrow catch her off guard. She was becoming appreciative of Caber’s sensibilities. He was sensitive to her mood; his ears were always turned toward her, waiting for a whispered word of encouragement, a click of her tongue urging speed. And she was constantly aware of him. She understood when he wanted to run, the difference between a toss of the head that was frustrated and one that was joyful. She knew to stroke his neck to praise him and the firm tone needed to hold his attention.

When they reached the shores of Loch Duich, Barrow reined Toshach in, bringing them to a trot and then to a walk. Having had their run, the horses were happy enough to take up an easy pace along the lake.

“It seems fighting isn’t the only thing you have a natural talent for,” Barrow said.

“Thank you.” Ember spoke briefly, not wanting to reveal how breathless she was. The ride had been exhilarating, but also hard work. The muscles in her arms, back, and thighs were tight coils, hot and strained from the effort of this riding lesson. Still, proving herself to Barrow had been worth it. And the thrill of riding itself was something she never could have anticipated.

Ember leaned over, resting her cheek against Caber’s mane.

“You’re a good match.” Barrow paused to let the horses drink from the lake.

Ember loosened the reins so Caber could reach the water. “We are.” She patted his neck, finding it damp from the run.

The sky above was heavy with clouds. Streams of mist reached down, finger-like, to grasp the hillsides, which had just begun to glow with the green of spring.

“The loch borders Tearmunn to the west and north. The hills of the glen guard us from the east and south. You’ll have passed the village on your journey to the keep,” Barrow said.

“I couldn’t see anything.” Ember’s face scrunched up at the memory. “I was with my mother and sister in the carriage.”

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