Home > Rift (Nightshade Prequel #1)(35)

Rift (Nightshade Prequel #1)(35)
Author: Andrea Cremer

“You’re a member of the Circle now,” Cian said. “An adviser. Let the Guard patrol as is intended.”

“Joining the Circle doesn’t remove us from the Guard. We’ve only earned more work on behalf of Conatus.” Eira pulled away from Cian, reaching for her cloak. “The task of patrolling is mine if I choose it. I won’t hide behind these walls waiting for the enemy to storm our gates.”

Cian’s shoulders slumped with the knowledge that she’d never win this argument. “Very well. Don’t be reckless. If you do find something, report it to the Circle. Don’t try to deal with it alone.”

Eira threw a withering glance at her sister, strapping on her sword belt as she left their room.

After her sister was gone, Cian took up Eira’s post at the window. Twilight bathed the courtyard in deep indigo. Shadows slid over the group, transforming the familiar shapes of servants into strange, lurking forms. Cian turned from the window with a shudder. Eira was right. Something was coming—something that caused a raw foreboding to settle beneath her ribs. And it was changing things between her and her sister.

When they’d simply been fighting with the Guard, they’d rarely argued. Since they had been appointed to the Circle, the divisions between the two had grown ever wider. While Cian wanted to prepare, to defend, and to preserve Conatus, Eira sometimes acted as though she wanted to rule it. She seemed almost eager for the threat to manifest.

Cian watched her sister’s behavior with growing apprehension, sensing that darkness was approaching not only from outside but from within. That this threat was real, Cian had no doubt. The only question was how soon it would be scratching at their door. Or, as she secretly feared, how soon it would reveal where it lay hidden in their midst.


EMBER WAS SURPRISED she could move at all. Her first day as one of the Guard had left her with twisted, throbbing muscles, which now made their objections to the afternoon’s abuse known in the form of unceasing aches. And while the time spent on horseback had been thrilling, the moment she’d left the saddle her thighs had gone to quivering mush, leaving her to totter back to her quarters. She forced herself to keep a pleasant manner through dinner.

Even as a novice, Ember could tell the mood in the barracks was somber. Her companions ate quickly, speaking very little. Kael and Alistair hadn’t yet returned from their mission. Ember had been eager to tell her friend about the water horse and perhaps gain his sympathy about Barrow’s gruffness with her. Her mentor had returned to the keep and joined her at dinner, though he seemed completely oblivious to her sour mood, and when she’d asked Barrow about their absence, he’d laughed.

“Kael is always overly optimistic about how quickly he can complete a mission. They’ll be back late tonight. You needn’t fear for your friend.”

Though she’d wanted to ask more, she straightened up and fell silent when Lukasz loomed over Barrow’s shoulder.

“I need to speak with you,” the commander said. He nodded a greeting to Ember and then stood, waiting.

Barrow looked at her. “You should seek your bed. You’ll rise early tomorrow and it will be a long day.”

Ember knew she was being dismissed and didn’t dare object. But she bristled with curiosity, wishing she could linger and listen to the warriors’ conversation. She bid the men good night and made the slow, shockingly painful climb to her cell on the second floor.

Once cloistered in her cell, she shed her clothing one piece at a time, wincing with each movement. She groaned when she pulled her long nightshirt over her head and stumbled to her pallet. Lying down hurt in a way Ember didn’t think was possible. But her body was merciful as it surrendered to pure exhaustion and carried her out of consciousness.

She didn’t know how much time had passed when the creak of her cell door caused her to stir. A small sound, the light shuffle of feet on the stone floor, made her breath catch. Something was in her room.

Still half gripped in the haze of sleep, Ember battled against panic. The revenant’s gaping mouth and empty eyes haunted her.

What if she hadn’t killed it? What if such creatures couldn’t be killed? Could it be here now, seeking vengeance for the pain she’d inflicted on it?

A pungent scent filled the room, but it wasn’t the stench of rotting flesh that had clung to the revenant. She forced herself to breathe, to wrestle rational thoughts out of fear’s grip.

Ember rolled out of bed and was on her feet in an instant. Her aching muscles shrieked their objections, but she held her dagger low. Her threatening stance was met by a familiar laugh.

“Are you really going to gut me, Em?” Alistair asked.

Ember let out her breath and set the dagger aside. “What were you thinking? I could have killed you.”

“I didn’t know you were sleeping with a dagger under your pillow,” he said. “But it’s a good idea. You never know.”

“Why are you sneaking into my cell at this hour?” Ember sank onto her bed, stretching her sore muscles. The sudden movement of being startled awake had brought on a fresh wave of aches.

“We just returned from our mission.” Alistair sat beside her.

“The trip to Cornwall?” Ember said sourly, unconvinced that Kael and Alistair weren’t having a joke at her expense.

“That’s the one,” he said. “Aren’t you relieved to see me alive?”

Ember didn’t take the bait. “You’ve been fighting for a year, haven’t you? I’m sure you can hold your own.”

“I’m so grateful for your faith in me, Lady Morrow.” Though seated, he bent over in a mock bow.

“What are you doing here?” Now that she was fully awake, Ember couldn’t ignore that her muscles hurt even more than when she’d climbed into bed.

“I know what the first few days with the Guard are like,” Alistair said. “I brought you something.” Warm tendrils rose from the wooden bowl cupped in his hands.

“What is it?” she asking, taking it from him.

“An elixir infused with willow bark and honey,” he said. “It won’t take away all of the pain, but it will make the morning much more bearable.”

“Thank you.” She took a sip of the concoction. Her face scrunched up at the taste, but she drank more. Anything to ease her sore limbs was worth it.

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