Home > Rift (Nightshade Prequel #1)(51)

Rift (Nightshade Prequel #1)(51)
Author: Andrea Cremer

Barrow grimaced as he dismounted. Ember slid out of the saddle, leaning her forehead against Caber’s neck and feeling regretful that she’d be leaving him behind.

When the horses were tethered, the knights walked a short distance into the forest and gathered in a tight circle.

“How do you propose we lure the striga?” Alistair asked in a hushed voice.

Ember didn’t know if whispers were necessary, but the pressing darkness and thick silence of the Black Forest did make speaking in normal tones akin to shouting.

Kael kept his voice low as well. “I’d think that would be obvious. The striga will be looking for a meal.”

Barrow nodded, and Ember’s skin began to crawl.

“The villagers have begun to avoid the forest after dark,” Lukasz said. “We should be the only prey available tonight. And with the forest folk hiding in their houses, the night flyer should be getting desperate for fresh meat.”

“Ember is the obvious choice,” Sorcha said. “She’s the smallest of us, and if she rids herself of her weapons and tabard, she’ll appear vulnerable.”

Alistair bristled. “We’re not using Lady Morrow as bait. I’ll do it.”

“I’m not afraid,” Ember protested, though she had to push the words out of her closing throat. “I can make do with a dagger. Just tell me what to do.”

“No,” Barrow told her. “He’s right. Revenants are vile foes, but a striga is a truly vicious and cunning monster. Your first mission is not the one in which to take such a dangerous role.”

Lukasz nodded. “Alistair is as fine an option as Ember. He may not play the part of a helpless young woman, but he’ll easily appear an overconfident fool.”

“Thanks, Commander,” Alistair said drily.

Lukasz grinned at him. “If the role fits . . .”

“Of course.” Alistair unbuckled his sword belt and pulled off his tabard, handing both to Kael. “What now?”

“Take the lantern and start walking east,” Lukasz told him. “We’ll flank you, keeping to the shadows. I’d wager the striga will be hunting closer to the village, hoping it can catch someone who thinks it safe enough to step outside if they stay close to home.”

Sorcha passed the lantern to Alistair.

“One more thing.” Lukasz pulled a dagger from his belt, and before Alistair had time to react, the commander sliced open the side of his neck.

“What the—” Alistair clapped his hand over the shallow but bloody wound.

“It will find you more quickly if it can smell your blood,” Lukasz said, wiping his blade clean.

Alistair pulled his hand away, gazing at the blood that stained his palm. “Wonderful.”

“Stop complaining,” Kael said. “You volunteered, remember?”

Alistair cursed under his breath, but he took up the lantern and moved into the forest. When he was a short distance ahead of them, Lukasz signaled for the group to follow. Kael took a path directly behind Alistair while Barrow and Ember moved into the darkness on his right. The commander and Sorcha followed to the left.

They stalked through the forest. As he’d directed, Ember kept close to Barrow. She took note of his carefully placed steps, each made with the intent to keep his presence silent, hidden from notice. Her mentor slipped from tree to tree, leaving no evidence of his passage. Her fascination grew as she watched him. Barrow seemed to embody calm and grace, the opposite of what she felt. Her heart slammed against her rib cage and her pulse roared in her ears, so deafening that she worried it alone would alert the striga to her presence. Her blood raced through her veins, aflame with fear. Each curving branch, shift in shadow, and any root that stretched out to snag her step made her pulse stutter.

Alistair, by comparison, created a ruckus as he moved. He yawned loudly and stretched, kicked twigs as he walked. Ember found it difficult not to laugh at his antics. Alistair did appear to be nothing more than an overconfident youth strolling through the night woods.

The flicker was so brief Ember wondered if she’d imagined it. Barrow came to an abrupt halt and she knew she hadn’t. A shadow had passed through the lantern light. If Alistair had noticed it, he didn’t give any indication but continued his jaunty stride without pause.

When branches of a pine to his right creaked, as if bowing beneath unusual weight, Alistair did pause. He maintained a calm repose, lazily glancing from side to side as would any person who heard a strange noise in the dark.

The striga made no cry as it attacked. It flowed from the shadows above, a dark shape falling toward Alistair. When the creature was nearly upon him, Alistair whirled, bringing the lantern around with a shout. The pole slammed into the striga, knocking it back. The creature wailed, its keening filled with surprise rather than pain.

Caught in the lantern’s glow, the striga’s features were made plain and Ember’s stomach twisted at the sight. It had a human-like form, its skin leathery and the color of dust. Its wings were black and dwarfed its body.

The striga screamed at Alistair, revealing a mouth full of needle-like teeth. It slashed the air in frustration with taloned fingers as it hovered before him.

Three silver streaks sailed into view. The striga arched backward, its cry now one of pain. When it turned, Ember saw three daggers protruding from its shoulders. Kael rushed out of the shadows, throwing another dagger as he ran. Lukasz burst into the light, his claymore stretching toward the sky. Sorcha appeared at his heels, brandishing her short sword.

Barrow’s sword slithered out of its sheath. Silence and Sorrow leapt into Ember’s hands as she ran after her mentor to join the fight.

The work was done before they reached the others. The fourth and fifth daggers Kael had let fly tore through the striga’s left wing, rendering it useless. The striga screeched and dropped to the forest floor. Before it could right itself, Lukasz was on it. With two hands gripping the hilt of his claymore he brought the tip of the blade down, piercing the striga’s chest. The winged creature gave a violent lurch. Blood spouted from its mouth and then it went still.

It was a victory, swift and brutal. But a victory nonetheless.

Though she’d had no part in the creature’s demise Ember felt a stirring pride in how easily her companions had achieved the night’s aim. With a bit of regret, she slid her blades back into their covers.

“Gather kindling,” Lukasz said, jerking his sword free of the corpse. “We’ll burn the body and be on our way.”

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