Home > Snakeroot (Nightshade Legacy #1)(41)

Snakeroot (Nightshade Legacy #1)(41)
Author: Andrea Cremer

Audrey stared at him, and Logan decided she looked like a dumb cow chewing cud.

“Well?” Logan asked.

“Uh . . . I . . . um . . . okay.” Her voice had gotten very small, and Logan almost felt guilty about the cow thing. “Logan, can I ask you something?” Audrey sounded shy, almost embarrassed to be speaking.

“Of course,” Logan replied, though he was impatient to get on with the summoning.

“If we can really do this . . . I mean get our powers back,” Audrey said, “can we have Guardians again?”

“God, Audrey,” Logan scoffed. “Why would we—”

“I don’t mean the awful ones, like that mean one you summoned who doesn’t want to help us and only does it because he has to,” Audrey told him. “I just thought we could have some of the nice ones back. The ones who liked us.”

She kicked at the sand, unable to meet Logan’s puzzled gaze, but Audrey didn’t need to say anything more. The picture painted itself vividly as Logan watched her squirm in the discomfort of her unintentional confession.

The only one around to pay Audrey compliments and offer her adoration, even if it was most likely feigned, had been her pet Guardian . . . Joel, Chase had called him. The spoiled girl was lonely and she wanted her forced friend back. How sad . . . and pathetic.

None of them liked us, you stupid child. If Joel had known about the rebellion before he was transformed into a wild wolf, he no doubt would have slit your throat while you slept.

“I’m sure you’ll be able to have whatever you want,” Logan said quietly. “That’s the beauty of being a Keeper. Isn’t it?”

Audrey offered a little smile and nodded.

“May I continue?” Logan asked her.

“Yes,” Audrey said. “Go ahead.”

“Good.” He drew the knife from his coat pocket and Audrey gasped again.

“What’s that for?”

“It’s for cutting,” Logan answered drily. Without hesitating, he drew the blade in a swift stroke, tracing the scar on his palm.

Though he wasn’t looking at her, Logan heard Audrey whimper as he held his palm out. His blood rained onto the sand, mingling with the waves that lapped the shoreline.

“Don’t worry,” Logan said without turning to face Audrey. “You don’t have to use the knife.”

As he spoke the words of the incantation that would summon Bosque, Logan’s skin prickled with fortune’s fickle nature. He’d uttered the same phrases to call Bosque to Rowan Estate, knowing it might lead to the downfall of the Harbinger, handing victory to the Searchers. Now he invoked the same magic with opposite purpose—to restore instead of destroy.

He didn’t need to do it this way. Logan had already established that he could call upon Bosque by blood and will alone. But tonight he needed to give Audrey a show.

The retreating waves pulled Logan’s blood into the sea, and soon the water’s surface began to stir. A small patch of ocean seethed and boiled as a shape rose from beneath the dark waters.

“Logan.” Audrey grasped his hand, but he shook her off.

“Show a little dignity,” Logan whispered harshly.

The silhouette of a man, obscured by the night, came toward them. Logan could sense the fear emanating from Audrey, but he ignored it, focusing on Bosque. Logan was a little surprised when Audrey fell to her knees before he did.

At least she has enough sense to show deference.

Logan knelt beside Audrey as Bosque’s features were revealed by the moonlight.

“What have we here?” Bosque’s gaze immediately fell upon Audrey.

“A fellow Keeper,” Logan answered. “Audrey and her brother have aided me in my quest to reach you.”

My quest? Really? Logan didn’t think he’d ever said anything more lame.

“I see.” Bosque regarded Audrey curiously.

She lifted her face, casting a timid glance at the Harbinger. “How are you . . . sir?”

Well, that was much worse that what Logan had said. It would make what was coming easier . . . maybe.

“Intrigued,” Bosque answered Audrey. He returned his attention to Logan. “You summoned me.”

“I did.” Logan found it strange that his pulse wasn’t racing. Instead it rolled through his veins, heavy and insistent as a dirge. “I’m ready to continue the conversation we’d begun.”

The barest hint of a smile appeared on Bosque’s mouth.

That was all Logan needed.

Logan grabbed Audrey by her hair, jerking her head back. He drew the knife across her throat, the cut so deep and swift that surprise had hardly registered on her face before she bled out in the sand. It was fast. It was easy. Logan felt a surge of triumph.

“A worthy offering.” Bosque gazed at Audrey’s limp form. “You’ve managed to impress me, Logan.”

Bowing his head, Logan said, “Thank you.”

“Worthy, yes,” Bosque continued. “But it will not be enough.”

Logan barely stopped himself from shouting an objection. He clenched his fists and maintained his submissive posture. “I don’t understand.”

“To cross over, I must be invited,” Bosque said, his voice quiet enough that the waves almost muffled it. “By someone of this earth.”

Daring to look up, Logan asked, “And I don’t qualify?”

Bosque regarded Logan with disdain. “You especially.”

“Because of my blood,” Logan said.

“Yes.” Bosque nodded. “But no Keeper will be able to complete the rite. Anyone who swore a blood oath to me while I walked this realm does not have the power to open the Rift. Only one tied to the earth and its power can wound this world enough to give me passage.”

“It was Eira who opened the Rift in the beginning,” Logan said.

“A knight of Conatus,” Bosque finished Logan’s thought. “And only one such as she can repeat the task.”

The brief flare of triumph Logan had felt after winning Bosque’s approval was drowned in fresh disappointment.

“There is someone.” Bosque’s voice reached Logan through the noise of his self-pity.

Logan couldn’t hide his disbelief. “Who?”

“The girl called Ariadne.” Bosque said her name softly, with near reverence.

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