Home > Snakeroot (Nightshade Legacy #1)(48)

Snakeroot (Nightshade Legacy #1)(48)
Author: Andrea Cremer

“Hey, Adne,” Ren said, at last finding his voice.

Giving a little cry, Adne rushed forward and flung her arms around her brother, only she grasped nothing.

“Sorry.” Ren smiled sadly.

Adne took a step back, staring at him. “Are you a ghost?”

“Spirit,” Logan interjected. “But let’s not bother with all those details now. You’re happy to see your brother, aren’t you, Ariadne?”

“Go to hell.” Adne glared at Logan.

“I’ll take that as a yes,” Logan replied smoothly. “His death was such a tragedy, wasn’t it? It’s a shame the way things turned out. Brother and sister reunited for so brief a time. Wouldn’t you like a second chance to know Renier?”

Adne stiffened. Her gaze moved to Sarah Doran, who was still hovering quietly at the edge of the room.

“You’re making a lot of promises, Logan,” Adne said. “First you say you’ll give a mother her son back, and now you’re offering me my brother?”

“These aren’t my offers,” Logan replied with a smile. “You know very well I don’t have that kind of power. I didn’t even have that kind of power before the Rift was closed.”

Sarah drew a hissing breath. “You said you could bring him back.”

Logan shook his head. “Don’t fret, dear Searcher. I didn’t say anything of the sort. I sent Renier to ask if you wanted to have your son back. That is all.”

Suddenly there was a dagger in Sarah’s hand. “I will cut your heart out, Keeper.”

“Such hysterics!” Logan stood up and went to collect his drink. “Put that blade away. There’s no need to jump to conclusions. I’m simply attempting to clarify this situation. Will you do me the kindness of listening? You’ve come all this way.”

Sarah didn’t sheath her dagger, but she lowered it.

Logan pursed his lips, but nodded. “I guess that will suffice.” Returning to his seat, Logan gestured to the other chairs in the room. “Please make yourselves comfortable.”

When neither Sarah nor Adne moved, Logan sighed. “You’re making this much more unpleasant than it need be.”

“Just talk, Logan,” Ren growled at the Keeper. Adne gave her brother a little smile.

“Don’t encourage him,” Logan said. “Chase, will you get our guests whatever refreshments they’d like?”

“This isn’t a social call.” Adne’s irritation was beginning to show. “Stop grandstanding and tell us what you want.”

Ren regarded Adne with admiration. His sister’s mettle remained impressive as ever. It was nice to see Logan taken down a peg.

“If you insist.” Logan shrugged. “Sarah has something for me, I believe.”

Sarah and Adne exchanged a glance, and Adne gave a brief nod. Sarah crossed the room and deposited a satchel on the settee next to Logan.

“Thank you.” Logan swirled his drink and took a sip. “That’s one thing. And much to my delight, the second thing I wanted arrived today as well. Rather unexpectedly.”

“And what’s that?” Adne asked.

“Why, Ariadne, I’m surprised at your lack of comprehension.” Logan smiled at her. “You really haven’t figured it out?”

“I’m sorry to disappoint you,” Adne replied blandly. “What’s the second thing you wanted?”

Logan set his glass down and folded his arms behind his head, lounging against the back of the settee. “You.”

Ren shifted into wolf form, snarling at Logan.

“Ferocious,” Logan remarked.

Adne’s steely confidence wavered slightly. “What do you mean, me?”

“Someone wants to see you and it was left to me to make the arrangements,” Logan said. “You’ve just made my task that much easier.”

“I only came here to find out what you’re up to.” Adne shook her head. “And to put a stop to it. I’m not a fan of nightmares and I’m pretty sure you’re the reason I can’t sleep at night.”

Logan tilted his head, eyeing her. “What is it that you’ve been dreaming about? Or should I be asking, who are you dreaming about?”

“As if I would tell you,” Adne said, but she blanched.

Ren growled again; he hated where this conversation was headed. He hated even more that he could do nothing to stop it.

“If you don’t want to name names, far be it from me to force the issues. But we will need to take a little trip,” Logan told her. “Well, little perhaps isn’t the most precise term.”

“Wait,” Sarah interjected. Ren saw that she had put her dagger away now, but her expression was a mixture of grief and confusion. “What about Shay?”

Logan nodded. “I haven’t forgotten, Sarah. I know that I owe you for recovering these items.” He patted the satchel. “But what I said to Ariadne is true. I don’t have the kind of power it takes to bring Shay back. No one on this earth does.”


“I said no one on this earth does,” Logan cut her off. “But there is one not of this earth who can give you what you want.”

Ren gave up trying to menace Logan and went to Adne’s side when he saw that her skin had gone ashen.

Her eyes were closed tight, but Adne said, “He’s gone. He’s gone and he cannot return.”

Logan frowned at Adne. “Are you afraid, Ariadne? You shouldn’t be. He needs you.”

“Stop,” Adne whispered.

Ren shifted forms and glared at Logan. “Leave her alone.”

“Don’t interfere,” Logan said. “In this matter I’m like you, Renier, the intercessor. Your sister has an important role to play. She just has to accept the part.”

Adne was shaking her head. A tear slipped from beneath her eyelid.

A subtle change suffused the room. Though it had been a bright day in Boston, the lingering light of the sunset was abruptly snuffed out.

Logan stood up. “He needs to see you, Ariadne.”

A column of shadow formed alongside Logan. At first Ren thought it was a wraith, but its shape became more distinct. The silhouette of a tall man stood facing Adne. His features were indistinct, but when he spoke, the voice was unmistakable.

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