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Crave (The Clann #1)(53)
Author: Melissa Darnell

She'd done that before when I was ticked off. Could she somehow be sensitive to the Clann's powers?

As soon as Mr. Smythe opened the classroom door, I pulled the energy level down to normal, showing them a little of what my dad had taught me over the past month. I'd worked hard for weeks to develop control over my energy levels. No more emergency grounding for me.

I wasn't surprised when Mr. Smythe glanced at all four of us descendants with obvious suspicion. Every descendant on campus had to have felt the energy spikes Dylan and I had just released. But instead of trying to send me out for yet another emergency grounding session, Mr. Smythe dived into his daily lecture.

Not that I listened much. History was easier to remember when I read about it at home. Besides, I was too busy reconsidering my friendship with Dylan.

He was waiting for me outside the building after class. "What was that crap in there?"

I waited for the last students to get outside of hearing range before I replied, "A reminder. You seemed about to lose your control."

"Unlike some people, I don't lose control."

I ignored the insult. My issues with energy control were old news. "Then you were about to use power against an innocent on purpose."

"She's no innocent. Not with those freaky eyes of hers."

Because my energy wanted to spike out of control, I lashed out in a different way. "What did she say that scared you so badly?"

"She didn't scare me, she threatened me! She said if I wasn't careful, she'd use those eyes on me. Have you heard what some of the guys are saying about her, about what she can do?"

"Then maybe you should leave her alone."

"Are you siding with her?"

"I'm saying leave her alone. She's done nothing to you, so just back off."

"Or what?" His energy level jumped. "You going to fight your best friend over her?"

I studied the ugly look on his face. We had been best friends once. But in the past year or two, Dylan had changed. I didn't even know the guy anymore. Now all I saw when I looked at him was a power-hungry bully who preyed on others. Had he always been this way and I just didn't see it?

"I will if I have to." Because no true friend of mine would attack an innocent. My energy flared out to match his then shot up a level higher. His hands flexed then fisted, the muscles in his arms cording as the greater energy stabbed at his skin.

He held my stare a few seconds longer then hissed, "See you at the game."

I dipped my chin in acknowledgment, then watched my former best friend turn and walk away. Something inside my chest tightened. Why did I get the feeling this conversation wasn't over?

Tonight's game against Herndon High, Jacksonville's biggest rival, had been a tough one so far. Apparently their defensive line didn't like Dylan any more than I did right now, because they'd been after the quarterback especially hard all night. Unfortunately as an offensive tackle, it was my job to protect Dylan's sorry butt. As a result, I'd been taking hits intended for him all night, when what I really wanted was for one of their defensive line to take Dylan's head off and save me the trouble.

Seeing Savannah running herself ragged helping the Charmers in the bleachers didn't improve my mood any. Why she was helping them was beyond me.

Body aching, I stood on the sidelines while our defense took over for a while. I should be focused on my team's efforts out on the field right now. Focusing on the field had been easier last year on JV, because they didn't have the Charmers or pre-drill classes at their games. The varsity team, on the other hand, got all the school-spirit groups at our games. As a result, my gaze kept straying sideways and up to the home bleachers. Third quarter now, time for the Charmers to take their break. Which meant Savannah would be in the concession-stand area instead of with her duffel bag and the protective charms I'd created for her. If they were even still in there. I'd have to get Anne to sneak a peek into Savannah's bag at lunch next week and make sure.

In the meantime, I'd just have to hope that none of her stalkers tried to mess with her right now.

After a few minutes, Savannah returned to the Charmers bleacher section. My heart rammed into my throat as a breeze grabbed her long ponytail and toyed with the red strands, spreading it out like dark fire around her head.

"Playing with fire?" Dylan removed his helmet as he walked over.

I jerked my gaze back to the field. "No clue what you're talking about."

"I'm talking about Freaky Eyes up there."

I turned to face him. "Man, what is your problem with her?"

"My problem is with you. I just can't get it out of my head how you're willing to side with her over your best friend."

"I'm not siding with her. I'm just saying we don't attack innocents. You know the rules."

He closed the foot of space between us. "Screw the Clann's rules." He waved an arm around us. "These people are sheep, and you and I both know it. We should be ruling this town, not hiding in it."

"Keep your voice down," I warned, glancing around us. But everyone was focused on the game.

Dylan sneered. "You're pathetic. Look at you, afraid someone might hear us talking about the Clann. But everyone already knows! That's the real joke. Everyone knows about us, and the elders are still holding on to their stupid, outdated rules. What we need is new rules. Maybe new leadership, too."

It was my turn to sneer. "Like who? Your dad? You?" The Williamses had always been nothing but a bunch of butt-kissing weasels. I'd thought Dylan was different. Today he'd showed me I was wrong.

"Why not? The Colemans aren't the only ones who can lead. Why not give somebody else a chance for a change?"

What a crybaby. "If the Clann thought your dad could lead better, they would have voted for him. They didn't. So get over it. And get over the rules, too, while you're at it. I don't always like the rules, either, but you don't hear me whining about it all the time. If you've got a problem with the Clann's rules, take it up with the elders who made them."

He stepped so close our face guards almost hit. "You might not make the rules, but your dear old dad does. And for someone who says he doesn't like the rules, you sure don't seem to mind enforcing them."

"Whatever." I was getting tired of this argument fast.

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