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Crave (The Clann #1)(94)
Author: Melissa Darnell

Feeding? I nearly threw up in my mouth.

"And though you may have experienced a bit of the bloodlust last night, you have not lost control over it as a newly turned vampire would. Most would not be able to control themselves so well, even around a normal human with injuries."

"I will never drink blood." Never mind last night. That was just a few drops. They didn't count.

All human expression left his face, showing the true alienness that I had come from. "If the bloodlust continues to strengthen within you, you may not have a choice eventually."

We'd see about that. "So what happens now? The council just keeps watching me?"

"I wish it were that simple. But you present a true danger to them now, even more so than before. The council insists on meeting you."


"Because of the bloodlust. You cannot be allowed to endanger our society's secrecy if you prove incapable of controlling it. The council must meet with you and decide what action to take."


"Right now. I am to take you directly to the nearest airport, and from there, to their headquarters in Paris." He opened his car's driver-side door then stared at me.

"And if I don't want to go?"

He became so still he could pass for a statue. "That would...not be good."

Or what, the council would send someone to hurt Nanna and Mom?

Because I wanted to scream, I took a deep breath, held it for five seconds then let it out in a huff and yanked open the passenger-side door. "Fine, let's go. Seeing as how I obviously have no choice."

"Thank you."

On the way to the airport, I had to borrow Dad's phone because I'd left mine with all the rest of my things at school. I had to do a Google search for the dance-team director's home number before I could call her. "Mrs. Daniels, this is Savannah Colbert. I'm sorry, but I have a family emergency and have to go out of town for a few days."

"Oh, hello, Savannah. That's fine, I understand. Actually, I had intended to call you earlier today. Did you forget to lock the foyer doors last night?"

Huh? My mind was being pulled in too many directions at once. I had to blink a few times and backtrack to last night, which seemed a lifetime ago. "Oh. No. I had to ask Tristan to lock up for me because of the...family emergency. Did he turn off the lights?"

"The downstairs ones, yes. But the upstairs lights were still on this morning, and I found your and his things still there."

I cringed, closed my eyes and struggled for the strength to deal with yet another problem. "I'm so sorry that I couldn't take care of it myself. I'm not sure why Tristan forgot to lock up-"

"I understand, Savannah. I just wanted to double-check with you. I hope everything turns out well for you and your family. Please call me and let me know when you will be able to return to practice."

"Thank you. I will." I ended the call with a shake of my head.

Why would Tristan have forgotten to lock up? If he had the strength to run so fast after me when I left, then he definitely had the energy to at least lock the foyer doors before leaving. He knew that was our job now that we'd entered Spring Show season and had late practices every day. I'd explained to him a couple times how the janitors would no longer secure the building for us until after Spring Show weekend, when our need to use the building so late each night would end. He knew how paranoid I was about forgetting to take care of this, because then the school administrators would complain to Mrs. Daniels.

Had Tristan taken off after Dylan when I left and that's why he forgot to lock up?

"Do not forget to call your mother and grandmother," Dad said.

My heart still pounding with worry over Tristan, I numbly dialed the next number on my list and braced myself for a tougher sell on my upcoming trip.

"I do not want you to go with him," Nanna insisted after hearing about the trip with my father. "It's not safe."

I glanced sideways at my father, sure he could hear every word she'd said. "I don't think we have a choice, Nanna. Just...try not to worry. I'll stay close to him and out of trouble, and I'll be back in a couple days or so. I love you."

A long pause. "I love you, too, hon. Please be careful."

"I will."

I couldn't reach Mom, so I left a message on her cell phone. I could just imagine her reaction when she got it.

Then, even though it risked further ticking off my father, I had to call Tristan. When I got his voice mail, Dad glanced at me with one eyebrow raised in silence. I hung up without leaving a message. If Tristan had left his phone at home and his parents saw the missed call, at least they wouldn't recognize Dad's number.

Where the heck was Tristan?

We flew on the council's private jet, first to New York, where we stopped to refuel, then on to Paris. At first, I was too worn-out to want to talk much. But eight hours of end less worrying about Tristan, even while flying in a jet with a luxurious brass-and-white-leather interior, was enough to drive me crazy. Desperate for a distraction, I moved to the swivel chair opposite my dad's and cleared my throat to get his attention. There was still so much about the vampire world that I didn't know. If I was going to fully turn into one of them, maybe it was time for me to arm myself with as much information as possible.

He didn't seem annoyed as he lowered the newspaper he'd been reading. "Something you would like to ask?"

"Um, yeah." I cleared my throat, feeling more awkward than I ever had before. "Do you get paid to help the council?"

"No. Part of my punishment for defying them and marrying your mother is to help them in any capacity they deem appropriate now. Mainly, that role has been to provide them with updates about you and your progress in life."

"So your job really is to spy on me."

"Think of me more as your lawyer who meets on your behalf with the council."

"Which makes them, what...the court judge?"

"Consider them the government, police and the Supreme Court for all vampires. They create our laws, ensure our secrets are protected and rule over disputes among our kind."

"So when they say they want to meet me, this meeting-"

"Is a trial," he finished for me.



Great, now I was on trial. "Am I going to be back home in a few days?"

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