Home > A Vow of Glory (The Sorcerer's Ring #5)(27)

A Vow of Glory (The Sorcerer's Ring #5)(27)
Author: Morgan Rice

"Then there is less time than we thought," Kolk said.

"We must fortify the city at once," Srog said.

"Now that you're safely within our gates,” Brom added, “we can begin to seal the outer walls.”

"We were waiting for you," Gwen explained.

Kendrick looked back at her, and she could see that he was touched.

“Then I owe you a great debt,” he replied.

"Sound the horns,” Gwen commanded, taking charge. “We have no more time to waste.” She turned to Srog. “Command your men to begin the fortifications.”

Srog shouted up to a soldier, high up on the walls, and he turned and shouted to several others. Several took up horns and blew them, the sound echoing throughout Silesia. Soldiers began to filter from their barracks and head along the wall towards the outer fortifications.

"My lady," Srog said, turning to Gwendolyn. "You have seen but the upper city of Silesia. Our people down below, in lower Silesia, who live amidst the canyon walls, await your visit. In this time of trouble it would reassure them greatly to meet you. May I suggest that we all survey the city together?"

“I would be honored,” Gwen said.

Gwen turned and accompanied Srog and the others as the men fell in behind them, the large and growing group walking through the streets of Silesia, heading towards the entrance to the lower city. As they walked, the soldiers all speaking to each other in an excited but agitated way, Gwen fell in besides Kendrick. It was natural walking beside him, as they had since they were children in King’s Court, yet Gwen had something pressing on her mind which she needed to share.

"I feel guilty, being appointed ruler," she said softly, out of earshot of the others. "Yes, it was what father wanted. But you are his firstborn. And you are a man. And, with Erec gone, you are the de facto leader of the Silver. All the soldiers respect you. You've fought side by side with each of them. And me? What have I done? I feel as if I've done nothing to merit all this. All I have done is been our father's daughter. And not even his firstborn daughter.”

Kendrick shook his head.

"You don't see your own virtues," he said. "You are far more than that. Father was not a rash man. Or a foolish one. All of his decisions, he made wisely. And choosing you was the wisest of all. It is not strength or military prowess that makes a great ruler. A great soldier, maybe—but not a great ruler. It is not about one’s ability to wield a sword, or even about the way other men look up to you. That might make a good ruler—but not a great one.

“A great ruler is forged of wisdom. Knowledge. Temperance. Compassion. Insight. And it is you who possess all of those qualities. That is what father saw in you. That is why he chose you. And I must agree with him. Do not underestimate yourself. And don't feel guilt. I am content with my lot. You deserve it, and I wish for nothing more than to serve you, whether you are my younger sister or not.”

Gwen felt a rush of love for him, as she always had. He always knew exactly what to say, ever since they were small children.

"I appreciate your kindness, brother,” she said. “But I still feel as if you've been passed over. And that doesn't sit right with me. If I am to rule, I want you to help me rule. I want you to have a position of import. I would like to name you as ruler of our armed forces. I want all of them—the Silver, the Legion, the King’s Men—to answer to you. After all, there is no one I trust more, and no one better fitting. You are a MacGil, too, and it will inspire the men to have you in court.”

"That is not something you need to do, my sister,” he said softly, humbled. “I love you equally, no matter what.”

"I know I don't need to," she said. "I want to.”

Before he could say another word, she turned to Srog.

“Srog!" she called out.

"Yes my lady," he said, rushing up to her, Brom and Kolk beside him.

"I appoint my brother Kendrick in the new position of ruler of the armed forces,” she said formally. “I would ask all the generals of all the forces assembled here to answer to him. Of course, you will lead your men, and Kolk and Brom, you will lead yours, but Kendrick will take direct control of the Silver, and you will all answer to him. I realize my brother is far younger in years than you are. But I also know it is what my father would have wanted, and I can think of no one more deserving.”

"My lady, it is a wise choice, and admire your sharing of power. We will gladly answer to Kendrick who, after all, is our bravest and finest warrior.”

“As will we,” answered Kolk and Brom heartily.

"Then the matter is settled," Gwen said. “Kendrick, I salute you on your new position.”

Kendrick looked down.

"I am deeply humbled,” he said. “I will serve you with my life.”

"As you always have," Brom said, stepping forward and clasping him on the shoulder.

They wound their way through the shining, red cobblestone streets, the stone lighting up in the early morning light, and approached a deep and narrow arched alleyway, carved of stone, wide enough for only two people to pass through at a time. At the far end of it, maybe fifty yards away, the light of the Canyon shone through. Several soldiers stood guard, snapping to attention as they approached.

“The entranceway to lower Silesia, my lady,” Srog said.

Gwen entered with the others, all of them marching in the blackness of the tunnel, the only light that of the Canyon at the far end, their footsteps and whispers echoing off the walls. It was an eerie feeling, walking through this long tunnel; Gwen felt as if she were entering a portal to another world.

"We are the same people, up above and down below,” Srog explained, “yet in some ways, the upper and lower Silesias are like two different cities. Those above ground rarely descend, and those down below, clinging to the side of the Canyon, like to stay there. Those afraid of heights don’t do well down below; they jokingly refer to lower Silesians as mountain goats. Yet those who breathe the Canyon air are content where they are, and find no need to come to the ‘flatlands’, as they call it.”

Gwen smiled.

“Otherwise,” he continued, “we are very much one people. Make no mistake about it: if Andronicus should attack, we will all defend as one city. And if the upper city gets overrun, we can fall back on the lower city. That is the great strength of Silesia. That is why it has not been conquered in a thousand years.”

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