Home > Empire of Night (Age of Legends #2)(79)

Empire of Night (Age of Legends #2)(79)
Author: Kelley Armstrong

“They do make a striking couple, don’t they?” Tanuki said. “They’ll have very handsome children.”

“I’ve never bedded a Northern girl,” his son blurted.

Even his father sputtered at that. The son seemed too drunk to realize his impropriety and kept staring at Moria.

“Her hair is like golden fire,” the son said. “Is it the same color down —?”

His father cut him off with a thump to the back of the head hard enough for the son to stumble. Lord Tanuki laughed, too loudly, as if he could drown out any more indiscreet comments. “We’ll need to find you a Northern girl to check for yourself. Another Northern girl. This one is taken, and from the looks young Gavril is giving you, if you continue speculating in that fashion, we’ll all be witnessing a sword fight instead of an acrobatic performance.”

“My apologies, Lord Tanuki,” Gavril said stiffly, sounding not apologetic at all. “I am unaccustomed to being betrothed.”

“And my son is unaccustomed to your father’s rice wine. It is good to see you so taken with your bride. As a man who has been married nearly three decades, I can assure you that it helps a great deal. You will be very happy together. Not that there was any doubt of your mutual affection, given what the young Keeper did for you.”

Before he could continue, one of his men came to tell him that Alvar wished to speak to him. Lord Tanuki said he’d be right there and then turned to Moria. “That was quite a feat, my lady. A difficult one, I’m sure, leaving your sister and your wildcat behind. The empire may not hold you in very high regard now, but once Alvar Kitsune triumphs, people will understand the sacrifice you made.”

“Sacrifice?” Moria said, but Tanuki was already walking away, following his man to Alvar. Moria turned to Gavril. “What is he talking about?”

For a moment, Gavril seemed not to hear her. He stared after Tanuki and there was an odd look in his eyes, as if a horrible thought had just dawned on him.

“Kitsune,” she hissed, tugging his arm. “What is he talking about?”

“I – I don’t know.” He turned to face her, but his gaze didn’t meet hers. He appeared genuinely confused, and more than a little concerned. “Wait here. I must have a word with my father.”

“But —”

He strode off. As he did, Moria glanced around. She was at the party, alone. Completely alone, as people returned to watch the acrobatic performance.

She peered toward the hall leading to the toilet pits. A few guests still streamed out, rushing back to the main room as the performance began.

Moria gave one last look around. Her gaze settled on Gavril, now across the reception hall, speaking to his father and completely preoccupied.

She hurried for the hall.

Moria knew exactly where she needed to go. Getting there was somewhat more complicated. Not least because she was stuck wearing the blasted dress for as long as she could reasonably expect to bump into someone. And until then, she was as inconspicuous as a peacock.

She took the circuitous route she’d noticed earlier and managed to avoid two guards. Then, as she was creeping down the final corridor, a voice whispered by her ear, Wait. She paused.

Not yet, child, the spirit whispered.

Moria tilted her head, and as she did, she caught the grunt and sigh of a bored guard at his post ahead. She zipped around the corner.

“You deign to help me now?” she muttered. “About time.”

A second spirit answered, Impatient child.

Impertinent, a third spirit sniffed.

Moria glowered. What good did it do to hear the dead if they would not even help when you were trapped in the enemy camp? Ashyn would point out that there hadn’t been a way to help until now, but Moria was in no mood to be charitable.

Shhh, child. It was the first spirit again. Heed me.

Heed only me – that’s what it meant. Moria focused on the first spirit and ignored the mutterings and mumblings of the other two.

This way.

Moria followed the first spirit’s whispers back down the hall, then along another one. She ended up near where she’d been heading, but approaching from the opposite side. When she peeked around the corner, she could see a single warrior guard, shuffling and grunting with boredom. Wide-awake and alert, though. Looking for trouble. Hoping for it, to break the monotony.

Blast it.

The exit door was right there. Once through it, she’d be outside, on the north end of the compound. All she had to do was get past one guard.

She fingered her dagger and peered out again. She could throw it from here and catch him in the neck.

And raise a commotion that would bring every other guard running.

Was that truly what stayed her hand? A fortnight ago, she’d never have considered hurting an innocent man, possibly killing him. Now…? There was still hesitation, but how much of it was reluctance and how much was simple concern that the ploy would fail?

It was only three paces to the door. If she could distract the guard…

She reached under her gown. All she carried with her were the dagger and the wildcat figurine. There was little question of which she should use, but still she hesitated. She clutched the figurine. To lose it felt like losing Daigo himself again, and her chest seized at the thought.

Yes, child, the spirit whispered. You must.

She braced herself, then she took aim and pitched the figurine as far as she could down the hall, letting it bounce off the distant wall.

The guard jumped. He looked around. Then he started toward the object on the floor, pulled by his boredom and curiosity. Moria slipped from her hiding place, crossed the three paces to the door, eased it open, and escaped.

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