Home > Pivot Point (Pivot Point #1)(30)

Pivot Point (Pivot Point #1)(30)
Author: Kasie West

“Oh, yeah, I left it on the counter.” I point to the island in the kitchen visible from where we sit. I don’t get up because I know he can whisk it over in the blink of an eye.

“You’re closer,” he says with a smile, grabbing a handful of popcorn.

“Are you serious?”

“I don’t want to show off.”

“Since when?”

He raises his hands in front of him. “Watch closely.” He stands and slowly moves toward the kitchen. “Did you see that? They came to me.” He grabs the waters and throws one toward the couch. It lands perfectly next to me. “You need anything else?”

I smile at him. “No, I’m good.”

When he comes back, he sits right next to me and I realize the real reason he stood. Subtle. He reaches across me and grabs a handful of popcorn.

I take the bowl and put it between us, scooting over to make room, and then say, “Play.” The movie starts. His arm goes to the back of the couch, and as we watch the movie, his fingers find my blue strip of hair and gently pull on the ends of it. I have to resist the urge to melt into him. I try to pretend like I’m following the movie and I laugh whenever Duke does. In reality, I have no idea what it’s even about.

When the popcorn is gone, Duke moves the bowl to the coffee table and settles in closer to me. He drapes his arm around my shoulders, and this time his fingers trace a pattern on my upper arm. Every nerve ending in my body comes to life. It doesn’t even seem like he is consciously aware of his actions, because he intently watches the TV. It reminds me that he probably does this kind of stuff all the time with girls. The thought sends me plummeting off the cloud I’d been floating on for the last hour.

I stand. “I have to use the bathroom.”

In the restroom, I turn off the water’s motion-sensor device, then step into the tub. I pull the shower curtain closed, as if that will help muffle the sound of my voice, and dial Laila’s number.

“Hey, girl,” she answers.

“Remind me of who I am.”

“Excuse me?”

“I hate obvious boys. Tell me that.”

“You hate obvious boys. Because heaven forbid you like something that everyone else does. If you don’t have to hunt for it, and carefully plan its capture, it must not be worth having.”

I ignore the fact that she just made a guy sound like a prize elk and say, “No, it’s not that. It’s that if everyone else likes something, that something usually knows it and has a huge head because of it. The things I have to hunt for don’t even realize how awesome they are.” I take a deep breath now that I’ve remembered myself.

“Do you feel better?”

I shift and lean my shoulder against the wall. The faucet in the shower has a leak, something my dad didn’t fix before leaving, and a drop of water lands on my foot. I use my other foot to dry it. “Yes. Much better.”

“But there’s an exception to your rule.”

“What?” Another drop lands on my foot, so I move back a little.

“Not what, who. Duke Rivers. I think you’re kind of into him, and he’s more obvious than any boy I’ve ever met.”

“He totally is,” I say. “He’s hot and the most popular guy in school and over-the-top charming. I don’t think there’s a single girl who would meet him and not wish she could be with him. So obvious.”

“And you have to stick by your principles. I mean, sure they’re based on punishing a guy just because he’s too perfect, but whatever.”

“No, you have to help me talk myself out of him, not into him.”

“I thought you were grounded. How are you calling me?”

“I thought I was grounded too, but my mom let him in.”

“Who in?”

“Duke,” I say with a sigh.

“Duke’s in your house, and you’re talking to me?”


“Leaving now. Oh, next time we talk, remind me to tell you about the football schedule. And there’s nothing wrong with obvious boys, Addie.” The line goes dead.

I shove the phone in my pocket and walk back out.

Duke says, “Pause,” and the movie goes quiet. “What did Laila say?”

I stand over him, staring at his perfect smile. I take in his eyes that I’ve never allowed myself to look at for very long. They’re crystal blue and hold mine intently. “She said you’re too obvious,” I say quietly.

He runs a hand through his hair and sends another waft of clean-soap scent my way. “I’ve tried subtle before. I’m not very good at it.”

I laugh. He couldn’t be subtle if he tried. I sit back down next to him.

He looks at the television. “Which part did you leave off on? I’ll skip back.”


“Had the guy revealed his ability yet?”

If I confess I have no clue, he’ll know he’s been a distraction. I bite my lip. “No, he hadn’t.”

“Okay, cool. This part is really good. Scene Menu.” The scenes come up in little boxes on the screen. “Scene twenty. Play.” For the first time, I notice Duke’s lips are quite full. “Are you watching?” He glances my way and catches me staring. I avert my gaze to the TV, but it’s too late, he’s already caught me. He lets out a low chuckle. “You like your guys obvious, huh?”

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