Home > Pivot Point (Pivot Point #1)(44)

Pivot Point (Pivot Point #1)(44)
Author: Kasie West

Even though I’m the one who brought it up, the question catches me off guard. “I’d, uh …”

“Bore people to death with your knowledge of ancient literature?” he offers.

I pick up a chip and throw it at his face. “Shut up. No. I would definitely have Telekinesis.”

“You’d want to read people’s minds?”

“No, that’s Telepathy. I’d want to move things with my mind.”

“Yeah, I guess that would be pretty cool. I was referring to real superpowers though, like flying or superstrength.”

I’m sort of offended but can’t show it, or he’d wonder why. “You don’t think mind powers are extraordinary?”

He shrugs one shoulder. “Yeah, I guess.”

“So if you could have a mind power, which one would you want?” I ask, curious.

“I’d want to be able to tell the future.”

I curl my lip. “It’s not that great.”

“Are you judging my fake superpower?”

“No, it was a good try, but it’s not the best one.” Not even close.

He throws a chip back at me, and it bounces off my cheek. “Well, it’s the one I want. Then I could warn you that Rowan is heading your way and will reach the table in approximately three seconds.”

I take a handful of chips and shove them into my mouth.

“Addie, I won. Your turn to get crushed,” Rowan says.

I turn and point at my mouth. “I’m eating. I’ll be right there,” I say through my mouthful, but I can tell he doesn’t understand me because his brows go down and he leans closer. I scoot back.

“Give her a sec, Rowan. She’s eating,” Trevor says.

“Okay, I’ll be waiting over there.”

The chips scratch my throat going down, and I cough. “Thanks.”

“If you don’t like Rowan so much, why did you come?”

“Because you’re my only friend.” I point at myself and say, “New girl here.”

“So when you find some new friends, you’re bailing on me?”

“Probably.” I have to shield my face as a handful of chips fly at me. “Hey, do me a big favor? Will you hang out with Rowan and me while we play pool? Just pretend you’re watching. The last thing I need is for him to try to teach me how to play or something.”

“Sure thing.”

The first half of the game goes smoothly, with Trevor acting as my buffer. It’s actually pretty fun. We laugh and joke around, and for the first time since moving here I feel like maybe I’m part of this group, not an outsider. Rowan is on pretty good behavior tonight too, not extra flirty. Just when I start to think I belong here, Stephanie walks into the room. She takes in the scene, then slowly walks to the food table. When she sits down, she says, “Trevor, can I talk to you?”

He looks to her, then back to me. “You’re good now, right?” he whispers, and starts to walk away.

“You are officially on the list. Just wait until my superpowers come.”

He turns and smiles that amazing smile. “First zombies, now superpowers. I think you actually might be trying to kill me off.” But he doesn’t stop and joins Stephanie at the table.

“He is still so whipped,” Rowan says. He takes a few steps toward me, and I grab my pool stick and put the table between us, pretending to study the ball positions.

“Do you like him?” Rowan asks.

The change in his tone surprises me. It went from player to nice guy with the single question. “Trevor?”


“No, we’re just friends.” I think I’m being truthful, but Rowan raises an eyebrow like he’s suddenly gained the ability to detect lies and he finds my answer false.

“Then what is it about me that you don’t like?” he asks.


“Yes, of course.”

“You come on too strong, very touchy. It’s uncomfortable. And you remind me of this not-very-nice guy from back home.”

“That’s not good.”

“No, it’s not. But just this conversation is making you less like him. This is what girls like, sincerity and honesty.”

“So you’re saying you like me now?” he says, his cocky smirk coming back onto his face. I sigh, but then he adds, “Just kidding.”

I laugh. “Good. Now whose turn is it?”

“It’s mine.”

He hits a blue ball into the corner pocket.

I pick up the square piece of chalk and twist it between my thumb and forefinger, my gaze drifting to Trevor and Stephanie. She has a sour expression on her face (surprise, surprise) and is talking with big hand gestures. Trevor is staring at the chip bowl, his normal relaxed posture replaced by a rigid back and tightened jaw. Are all relationships just a series of fights strung together?

I’ve never had a boyfriend and have kissed only one boy, not counting Searches. Joey Turner. I met him at the bookstore when I was fourteen and assumed we were made for each other, brought together by our common love of books. Turned out his mom had dragged him to the bookstore. Of course, I didn’t find out any of this until several days and several kissing sessions later.

“For what it’s worth,” Rowan says, standing by my shoulder and bringing me out of my memory, “he seems much happier since you’ve started coming around.”

“What? Who?”

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