Home > Dangerous Deception (Dangerous Creatures #2)(66)

Dangerous Deception (Dangerous Creatures #2)(66)
Author: Kami Garcia

Necro walked over and nudged him. “What kind of something, exactly?”

He handed her the vial. “Isn’t that—?”

She nodded.

“What is it?” Liv asked, in the scientist-Keeper tone Link recognized. She took the tiny bottle out of Necro’s palm and read the label. “ ‘Infusion: Patient 12.’ ” Liv turned to Angelique. “This must’ve been your injection.”

Angelique dismissed it with a wave. “Spare me the walk down memory lane. I don’t care where it came from. I know where it is now.”

“Turn it over, Liv,” Necro said quietly.

The Keeper frowned, turning the vial between her fingers. “Why? Is there—?” She gasped, the color draining from her face. “Oh my god.”

“Liv? You okay?” Link asked, already knowing she wasn’t and wondering just how bad it was.

“The power infusion Angelique was given … the sample code and the name of the Caster it was extracted from are printed on the back. It says ‘SD Sample’—”

Liv’s hand was shaking.

“ ‘Sarafine Duchannes.’ ”


Rainbow in the Dark

Nox took a long look at the girl he loved.

He was thinking she needed a twelve-step program.

She was hooked on whatever Silas was pumping into her, which meant she wasn’t leaving without her next fix. And that only left him with two choices—keep trying to talk her into leaving or stay here with her until she was ready to go.

Because leaving without her wasn’t an option.

I’d let Silas kill me first.

He stared into her violet eyes one more time, squeezing her hand through the bars.

I’ve officially lost it.

And I know this is wrong.

I know she isn’t mine.

But it doesn’t matter, as long as I get to look at her and know she’s okay—and as long as I get her out of here.

Who was he kidding? Nox was addicted to every single thing about Ridley Duchannes, and they both knew it.

She was his drug.



I need him.

As she held his hand, Ridley could feel his presence—the energy between them pulsed through her, a different kind of high. One she needed almost as badly as the infusions.


When I’m with Nox, I’m more powerful, and I’m more aware of my own power.

Like needs like.

Power needs power.

Maybe it was the TFPs, or something from his Siren mother—she couldn’t be sure. All she knew was that being with Nox made her sharper, clearer.

It made her a stronger version of her new self, and that was what she needed right now.

He was what she needed.

Nox’s eyes searched hers. “Rid, I think we should leave. I know you want the next infusion, but I have a bad feeling about it. And you’re powerful enough already.”

She gave him a strange look. “You can never be too powerful. It’s like saying you can be too rich or too beautiful. There’s never too much.”

He bit his lip, which made Ridley want to nibble on it and kiss him again.

And again and again.

What’s wrong with me?

When was I ever like this about a boy?

A Caster boy?

Who wasn’t Link, she thought, in spite of herself.

Who wasn’t mine?

She didn’t know if it was right or wrong, and she was starting to doubt if she even knew what was best for her.

I want what I want.

But what does that even mean now?

And who am I to discount the person I was before? All those years?

Even if I know that Nox is the right thing for me now?

She drew a breath.

There wasn’t a second when she wasn’t evaluating her options. Sooner or later, she’d have to make a decision. But that moment wasn’t here yet.

“We’ll be out of here soon enough,” she reminded him. “You’ll see.”

She heard footsteps in the hallway. “Shh. Someone’s coming.”

A moment later, Ridley saw Silas’ wing tips.

Ridley moved toward the bars, and Silas actually moved away.

He’s afraid of me. She smiled.

“She startled me when she came in,” Ridley said. “I didn’t mean to hurt her.”

Now it was Silas’ turn to smile. “Of course you didn’t. You haven’t adjusted to how powerful you are yet.” Silas rose and walked over to Ridley’s cell. “It’ll come, and if it doesn’t, a few people get hurt every now and then.”

“Mortals, yes. But Casters? You really are getting coldhearted in your old age, Silas.” Ridley shook her head.

“It’s all the same to me. There’s what I want and what stands in my way.” He shrugged. “As long as you work with me, there’s no problem. The moment you don’t …” He shrugged again. “Who needs that?”

Ridley caught a glimpse of Nox as he moved closer to the door of his own cell. “You’re a piece of crap, you know that, Silas? We both know you don’t care about Ridley or anyone else. If she gets hurt from whatever you did—”

“It’s okay, Nox.” Ridley cut him off. “Silas isn’t doing anything without my permission.”

Her eyes narrowed, and she trained them on Silas. Snakes slithered up the bars, their tongues darting out of their mouths only inches from the Incubus’ neck.

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