Home > Dangerous Deception (Dangerous Creatures #2)(69)

Dangerous Deception (Dangerous Creatures #2)(69)
Author: Kami Garcia

“You can say that again,” John muttered.

Silas’ eyes narrowed, and the four Darkborns flanking him—including Chloe the Butcher—didn’t look any happier to see them.

Angelique breezed over to the Blood Incubus. “Silas,” she purred. “What an unpleasant surprise.”

Silas lit a cigar, trying to look half as relaxed as Angelique genuinely seemed. “Can’t be much of a surprise if you’re breaking into my labs.”

“We have a score to settle, and it’s not my fault you hired …” The Cataclyst glared at Chloe. “Ineffective security.”

Chloe lunged at Angelique, her hand closing around the Dark Caster’s throat. With the flutter of Angelique’s fingers, the Darkborn froze, wincing as her arm retracted involuntarily.

“Now, now,” Angelique said. “Unless you want me to make you dance for us, I suggest you control yourself, Ms. Boucher.”

Silas’ eyes widened. “Chloe told me about your unusual ability. But I never would’ve believed it.”

“Sounds like you lack imagination, Silas.” Angelique closed her hand, releasing her hold on the Darkborn. “Although your handiwork on me and your little collection of caterpillars in the lab does make me wonder. It’s a shame you won’t live to see it through.”

“Aren’t you the least bit curious?” Silas asked.

Liv held up the book of lab notes. “We know exactly what you’re trying to do. Drain Casters of their powers and inject them into other Casters—”

“Trying?” Silas raised an eyebrow. “I’m doing a lot more than trying, you stupid Mortal.”

John charged at Silas, but Angelique threw up her arm to stop him.

“Tsk, tsk, Silas is mine, remember?”

The Blood Incubus noticed John for the first time. He’d been so focused on Angelique that he’d barely glanced at the rest of them. Silas pointed a ringed finger at John. “You. How dare you set foot on my family’s property? We raised you—”

“Raised me?” John snapped. “You experimented on me.”

Silas clenched his jaw, his expression murderous. “Actually, we engineered you like the animal you are. Bred you like a dog. And before this night is over, I’m going to put you down like one, too. You’ll be sorry you killed my Grandfather Abraham.”

“Umm, hello?” Link raised his hand like he was in summer school. “Technically, I killed him.”

John clapped a hand on Link’s shoulder. “We both did. It was a coordinated effort.”

“This is all very interesting.” Angelique yawned. “And by interesting, I mean boring.” The wind picked up, blowing her red hair around her head like a fiery halo. “But Silas and I have some unfinished business.” She turned to him. “The kind that ends with you lying dead on the floor. So how about a little fire and blood?” She cracked her knuckles, readying her fingers. “That’s what you made me for, isn’t it?”

“Angelique, I’m hurt.” The Incubus held a hand over his chest. “I harvested that sample of Sarafine Duchannes’ power a year ago, and I’ve been saving it all this time. Waiting for the right Caster—someone worthy of such a gift.”

“I didn’t ask for any gifts from you,” she hissed. “Just like I didn’t ask to be kidnapped and live in a cell. Or to be forced to use my powers when you rented me out to your disgusting friends in the Syndicate.”

Silas dropped the cigar and snuffed it out with his wing tip. “That’s where you’re wrong. Sarafine’s powers are a gift. Originally, I took the sample for research purposes, but when I realized how strong her powers were—the fact that a sample from her was equal to a full extraction from the other Dark Casters we drained—I couldn’t waste them.”

Angelique walked toward him, stopping only a few feet in front of him. “I’ll consider it payment for services already rendered. Enough is enough.”

“What if I can offer you something more valuable than revenge?” Silas sounded too calm for someone who was about to die, which made Link nervous.

“What’s he doing?” Link whispered.

Liv didn’t take her eyes off the Incubus. “Making a deal.”

But Angelique didn’t seem interested. “Nothing is more valuable than revenge.”

“How about power?” Silas asked.

“Already have it,” she countered. “Thanks to you, I have the power of the most dangerous Cataclyst in history running through my veins. I can even control this new breed of so-called immune Supernaturals. What more could a woman want?”

Silas stepped closer to the Dark Caster who was probably about to kill him. “I can think of a few things. An empire. Powers so potent that no one can touch you, including my other test subjects. Information on the scope of Sarafine Duchannes’ powers.”

Angelique tilted her head to the side, as if she was considering it.

“Don’t listen to him,” Link said. “He’s just tryin’ to save his own sorry ass.”

Silas ignored Link, his black eyes locked on Angelique. “Oh, and one more thing.” He paused for a moment. “How do you feel about immortality?”


Bringin’ on the Heartbreak

Link had been in enough trouble, enough times, to know he was knee-deep in it.

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