Home > How to Ruin Your Boyfriend's Reputation (How to Ruin #3)(51)

How to Ruin Your Boyfriend's Reputation (How to Ruin #3)(51)
Author: Simone Elkeles

There's no shame in admitting you're an American Princess.

"Hows your safta?" Jess asks me in the late afternoon when I join the rest of our unit in the barracks after Avi and I arrive back on base.

I organize my cubby and slide my suitcases under my bed. "She's okay. Her white blood cell counts are low, but they've stabilized her. She told me to go back and finish the program... something about Baraks not being quitters."

"Well, I'm glad you're back."

"Me, too. By the way, Avi and I are back together."

"I knew it was just a matter of time. You guys are meant for each other."

I look at the gun resting on her lap. Guns are used as a means to help Israelis protect their land and their people.

I'm sure these guns mean something totally different to the Palestinians. "Jess, what do you think will happen between you andTarik in the future?"

I've never asked her this before, because I know she loves him and doesn't want to think about life without him. But if it's not going to work out, why torture yourself by falling more in love with a guy you know you can't have a future with?

"I don't know," Jess says. "I don't think about it."

I think about my future all the time, and always imagine Avi in it. "Have you ever gotten in a fight and thought of breaking up?"

Jess chuckles. "Sure, but I can't stop dating Tarik any more than you can stop dating Avi. When the time comes to talk about the serious stuff, maybe we'll decide it won't work. Until then, I'm not stressing about it. Don't tell me you and Avi talk about the future."

I smile at her. "Yeah, we do."

Her mouth opens wide. "Wow. Please tell me you're not gonna get married at eighteen and skip college."

"I'm not getting married or skipping college. But I hope one day..." My voice trails off, thinking about what our life might be like in the future.

" ...you'll have little Amys and Avis running around the house," Jess finishes for me.

"Maybe. But we won't name them Amy and Avi--you know most Jewish people don't name their kids after a living relative." Rabbi Glassman told me it's because of an old superstition that the Angel of Death will accidentally take the baby instead of the older relative of the same name. As if the Angel of Death would be confused. Maybe I don't believe it, but I'm not taking any chances. There won't be an Amy Jr. or Avi Jr. in my house. Naming zits is another story.

"So when did you and Avi have this discussion?" "Last night. We stayed at a hotel in Ein Gedi." "Just the two of you?"

"Yeah." I pull out my suitcase and pretend to rearrange my stuff.

"So? Come on, Amy. Don't keep me in suspense." I look around to make sure nobody is eavesdropping. "We didn't have sex, if that's what you're getting at," I whisper. "I mean, I wanted to. And he wanted to."

Jess hasn't been a virgin for years, ever since she and Michael Greenberg did it sophomore year. But Jess isn't the result of two people getting together one night out of lust and nothing else; I am.

Jess waves her hand in a "come on, spill the beans" gesture. We seriously have less than five minutes before the next activity. I can't possibly describe how amazing it is that Avi and I reconnected. My body is still humming from the touch of his hands and the sound of his voice whispering sexy things in my ear, making me shiver with excitement. I'm definitely applying to colleges in Israel so we can be together whenever possible. I can't wait until our next boot camp activity just so I can see him again... even if we can't be "with" each other. As long as we can see each other, I'm totally psyched.

Ronit comes into the barracks with Liron and they tell us to line up outside. I actually smile at Liron and don't fear that she's my rival. I pick up George II and head outside. The guys are waiting for us. I know we're going to the shooting range to practice, but I don't see anyone from Avis unit besides Liron here.

Liron taps me on the shoulder. "Avi's not here. He wanted me to let you know that he was sorry he couldn't say goodbye."

What? Avi s not here? For how long? "Will he be back tomorrow?"

Liron shakes her head. "The Sayeret Tzefa trainees have been taken off base for intensive combat training exercises before they head to Counter Terror School. It was a surprise for everyone. Since I'm an operations specialist, I can stay on base until your unit graduates."

The thought of not seeing Avi for the rest of my trip to Israel is terrible, especially after last night. But Avi would want me to stay strong and positive.

"You okay?" Liron asks me.

Blinking back the tears about to spill out, I force a brave smile. "Yeah. I'm okay."

We're introduced to our new team leaders. There are two Israeli girls assigned as new team leaders, and three guys.

As one of the new team leaders steps in front of us, I notice she's wearing sunglasses suspiciously similar to the $235 ones I dropped in the poop hole my first day here.

My mouth drops open. They are my sunglasses. I look over at Jessica, who I know also noticed because she's got the same open-mouthed, shocked expression I do.

"She fished them out," I whisper to Jess.

Jess shakes her head. "I'm speechless, Amy. What are you gonna do? Ask for them back?"

"Absolutely not!" If a girl wants those glasses so bad she'll fish in poop to get them, she can be my guest and keep them forever.

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