Home > How to Ruin Your Boyfriend's Reputation (How to Ruin #3)(52)

How to Ruin Your Boyfriend's Reputation (How to Ruin #3)(52)
Author: Simone Elkeles

Noah got reassigned, and is also now a team leader for our unit. I wish Noah had another message from Avi, but he doesn't. I also wish I had Noah's outlook on life... no expectations, and then you won't be disappointed.

When we get to the shooting range, I walk up to Nathan as we're waiting for our turn to shoot. "Just so you know, I'm breaking up with you."

Nathan shakes his head vigorously. "Nuh uh. You can't do that. I'm supposed to break up with you first. That was our deal."

"So break up with me. I'm back with Avi."

"Well, you can't tell Tori. You promised to pretend to be devastated about our breakup." Nathan pouts. "How's it gonna look to Tori when she sees you broke up with me to go out with that... that beast?" He puts his arm around me and says, "Come on, Amy. You're my best friend. What's a girl best friend worth if she won't help you get laid?"

I push him away from me. "Eww. You're so gross."

"I'm a guy, I was born gross. Now go tell Tori we broke up. And that you're devastated. I want to see some tears. And don't forget to tell her I'm good in bed."

"I'm not telling her that."

"Why not?"

"Because what if it's not true? I don't want my credibility questioned."

"Are you insinuating what I think you're insinuating?"

I hold my hands up. "Don't blame me. Listen, Nathan. Ever since you broke up with Becky--*


"Whatow her name is. You don't have to act like a player. I'm only gonna say this once so you don't get a big head. You're cute, with that streaked-blond messy-haired garage-band-guy look you've got goin' on." I gesture to his hair and cute boyish face. "You're cool... when you're not eating my white chocolate Kit Kats. And you're funny... in an entertaining, Muppety sort of way. I'm not setting you up with Tori just so you can get into her pants. I'll set you up with Tori because you're a great guy."

"You think I'm a great guy?"

I roll my eyes. "When you're not being an idiot you are. But I've got to warn you, Tori's got issues."

"I do, too." Considering he doesn't have parents around and lives with his aunt and uncle, who aren't deliriously happy to be fostering their nephew, I'm well aware of Nathan's issues.

"There's just one more problem," I tell him, as Sergeant B-S calls us to take our places on the range.


"Nothing I can't handle." I don't tell Nathan that while I'm trying to get Tori to fall in love with him, I have to get Miranda to fall out of love with him. Nathan may rock Miranda's world, but he doesn't feel the same way about her. That's not to say that it will never happen... it just won't happen now. As much as I hate to admit it, Nathan and Tori have potential. They've both got chutzpah ... a lot of attitude and nerve. Both of them could use a person to challenge them.

"Just don't tell Tori anything that'll ruin my reputation as a stud," Nathan says as he releases the magazine to his M16.

"Don't worry, Nathan. You can do that all on your own."

The sergeant passes out bullets and tells us to load our magazines. I look down at George II. I don't have Avi to help me this time. Noah is walking behind us, making sure everyone knows what they're doing. I look over at Miranda, fitting her bullets in the magazine chamber just like everyone else. I raise my hand and wave Noah over to me.

"Hey, Amy!" he says with a big smile. "How's it goin'?"


He kneels next to me. "Need help?"

"Not me. My friend Miranda over there...you met her in the kitchen when we had the bee incident. She says she knows how to shoot, but that's just a cover-up. She needs help. She's just too shy to ask for it."

Noah pats me on the shoulder. "I got it. I'll go over there and not help her, if you know what I mean." He walks toward Miranda and kneels next to her. When she says she's okay, he stays with her and chats while she loads and aims the rifle. I think I hear her laugh at something he says right before she shoots.

I might just open my own matchmaking service when I get back to Chicago. I set up my dad and Maria this winter. Seriously, it might be hereditary...maybe my great-great-great-grandmother was a matchmaker in some little village in Russia or Germany.

As I load George II with ammunition and get in position to shoot, I think back to my first time on the range, when Avi was lying next to me, placing my fingers into the correct position and relaxing me with his voice.

I imagine he's here with me now, acting as my support and guide. With the butt of the rifle against my shoulder, I put the rifle into the V in my left hand to steady the barrel. I settle my fingers into position, pretending Avi's hands are patiently guiding mine. As I aim at the target ahead of me and put my finger on the trigger, I take a breath and hold it while I fire.

I hit the target. Yeah!

I fire again. Another hit!

And again.

"Avodah tovah --nice job," I hear Sergeant B-S's voice from behind me.

I look back at his approving nod. "Thanks, sir," I say.

For the rest of the day, I remember that "nice job" and the approving nod from Sergeant B-S and it gives me strength. Until right after dinner, when Ronit gives us the news.

"Yes, the rumors are true. We're going on a night hike and sleeping in the desert tonight."

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