Home > Princess Mia (The Princess Diaries #9)(47)

Princess Mia (The Princess Diaries #9)(47)
Author: Meg Cabot

I couldn’t believe she was bringing this up. NOW.

FTLOUIE: Yes, but, Tina, that was before the love of my life walked out of it.

ILUVROMANCE: Oh! I know! And I’m so sorry things didn’t work out with you and Michael. But, Mia, you will learn to love again. And J.P. looks really good in a tux. Don’t listen to what the haters are saying.

What is she TALKING about? This isn’t the Tina I know, my staunchest, most stalwart supporter! The Tina I know would never tell me I’ll learn to love again. The Tina I know would tell me to stay strong, that Michael would be coming to his senses soon and riding back to me on a milk-white charger, possibly in armor, bearing a corsage of one hundred percent zirconium from Kay Jewelers….

Or not. Because this is so something Michael would never, ever do.

And even Tina—starry-eyed, romantic Tina—knows it.

I should probably admit it to myself by now.

FTLOUIE: Michael’s never coming back, is he, Tina?

ILUVROMANCE: Oh, Mia! Of course he might come back! The question is…if he does, will you still even want him? Or will you have moved on…possibly to someone better?

My eyes filled with tears.

FTLOUIE: There’s no one better, Tina. You know that.

ILUVROMANCE: There might be! You don’t know!

FTLOUIE: And anyway, what’s the point in having this conversation? He’ll never take me back anyway. Not after how stupid I was.

ILUVROMANCE: He could! You never know! I TOLD you, don’t listen to the haters!

FTLOUIE: Haters? What haters? Why do you keep saying that?

ILUVROMANCE: Oh—Mia, I don’t care. They told me not to tell you, but you have a right to know.


ILUVROMANCE: ihatemiathermopolis.com.

FTLOUIE: Oh. That.





FTLOUIE: Tina, my dad may be a prince, but he doesn’t have control over the Internet.

ILUVROMANCE: But he could complain to Principal Gupta!

FTLOUIE: Principal Gupta? Why HER? What does SHE have to do with it?

ILUVROMANCE: Well, since the site is so obviously run by someone at AEHS….

FTLOUIE: What do you mean, obviously?

Even though it was kind of hard to see, what with my tears, and all, I clicked over to ihatemiathermopolis.com. So much had been going on in my life, I hadn’t had a chance to go there in a while.

I immediately saw that neglecting the site had been a mistake. Because there had been updates since my last visit. A LOT of updates.

Whoever owned the site had been keeping a close eye on my every move. And I mean my every move. The day I got a drink out of the second-floor water fountain at AEHS and the spray hit me in the face instead of my mouth? Recorded with glee. The time I tripped over my new shoes and dropped all my books outside the Chem lab? Noted. The time I spilled soy sauce all down the front of my school uniform in the caf? There was actually a photo…a bad one, obviously taken with a cell phone camera.

But it was there.

And whoever had founded the site hadn’t stopped there. There was loads of advice as to how I could improve my looks so as not to appear so physically repulsive. For instance, according to ihatemiathermopolis.com, I needed to grow my hair out (well, obviously), and stop wearing my platform Mary Janes to school, because I’m “towering over everyone like some kind of supermodel. Or so she obviously THINKS she appears. Too bad no one’s told her she looks more like a superspastic.”


That’s when the tears in my eyes spilled over. Suddenly sobs were wracking my body.

FTLOUIE: Tina. I’m sorry. I have to go.

ILUVROMANCE: Mia? Are you all right? You’re not taking this idiotic stuff SERIOUSLY, are you?

FTLOUIE: No, of course not! I just have to go. I’ll call you later.

ILUVROMANCE: Mia! I’m so sorry—but I thought you should know! Your dad should really call the school.

FTLOUIE: I’m glad you told me. Really. Good night, Tina.

ILUVROMANCE: Good night—

Wednesday, September 22, midnight, the loft

I just cried for, like, half an hour—in my bathroom, with the door shut, and the water running, so everyone would think I was just showering, and not bother me, asking me what was wrong. I think I cried harder just now than I ever have in my whole life. Fat Louie’s fur is SOAKED from all the tears that dropped into it while he curled up in my lap.

Well, okay. He wasn’t really curled up onto my lap. I was clutching him there, and he was trying to get away, and wailing piteously for help.

But whatever! If a girl can’t have her cat to comfort her in her time of direst need, what good is even HAVING a cat???

It just…it so blows, you know? I don’t WANT to be that girl. The crying emo girl. Next thing you know, I’ll start wearing skinny jeans and too much black eyeliner and nail polish and reading vampire romance novels.

God. I just…when am I going to start feeling BETTER? When am I going to get out of this hole Dr. Knutz PROMISED me he’d help me out of?

And it’s so lame, because I know how LUCKY I am. I mean, I don’t have any REAL problems. Well, except for the whole princess thing. And the ihatemiathermopolis.com thing.

But so what? Lots of people get crummy things written about them on the Internet. Look at Rachael Ray, that woman on the Food Network. There’s a whole online community devoted to how much people hate her, and she’s totally adorable. You can’t take it personally. You certainly can’t make a big deal out of it. That just gives the haters what they want—the attention they so obviously crave.

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