Home > Soul Bound (Blood Coven Vampire #7)(53)

Soul Bound (Blood Coven Vampire #7)(53)
Author: Mari Mancusi

There’s a banging on the front door—so loud it practically shakes the entire castle. “Open up!” the demon guard demands. “Or we will break this door down!”

“Oh, no need for that. Just getting my key,” Jareth’s father says quickly. We hear a click in the lock and a creak as the heavy wooden door slides open. Jareth winces at the stampede of heavy feet trafficking over his family’s beautiful carpets.

“Where are they?” the demon demands. “A neighbor reported seeing them enter this house not ten minutes ago.”

Ugh. Sold out by the neighbors. So not cool.

“Sorry,” Jareth’s sister says. “Where is who? We don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Maybe this will jog your memory.”

There’s a thud, then a squeal of pain and a loud thump to the ground. Jareth cringes, shooting me a look.

“Now, now,” Jareth’s father cuts in. “There’s no need for violence. We’re citizens of good standing here and we’re happy to assist you in your search. But we need more information. Who is it you’re looking for again? And why do you think they might be here?”

“Don’t play dumb with me, vampire. You’re already all in deep trouble. If I find out you’re aiding and abetting wanted fugitives, you will be charged with treason. Kicked out of your little castle here and sentenced to a thousand years in the Lake of Fire prison.”

Jareth turns to me. Even in the darkness, I can see his ashen face. “I can’t let them do this for me,” he whispers. “They already died once on my account. I can’t just sit here and let them take another punishment for my sake.” He reaches out and brushes my cheek with a soft hand, searching my face anxiously. “You understand, right? I mean, you’d do the same if it were your family?”

I nod, swallowing back my tears. As much as I don’t want him to go out there and face the demons, I know he has no choice. In his mind, this is his one last chance at redemption. I can’t stand in his way.

“I love you,” he whispers, leaning down to kiss the top of my head. “I love you so much. And I’m so sorry for everything.”

My heart aches at the agony in his voice. “I love you, too, Jareth,” I whisper, covering his face with kisses. “And I’m so proud of you. I can’t even tell you how much.”

He gives me a sad but pleased smile, then presses his hand against the back of the bookcase, forcing it to slide halfway open, then slipping out the crack before closing it behind him. Leaving me trapped in the darkness, practically drowning in fear.

“Leave them alone,” I hear him say. “I’m the one you want. If you agree to spare my family, I will go with you without a fight.”

The pride in his voice sends chills down my spine, even as I burst into tears. While half of me wants to storm out from the hiding spot and demand they take me, too, so I can at least spend a few more minutes with the vampire I love, I know that doing so would negate his sacrifice. He’s doing it for his family, but he’s also doing it for me. So I can stay safe and rescue my sister. And, as much as it kills me, I have to let him.

My heart breaks at the scuffle that follows. The grunts of pain that escape my boyfriend’s lips. I dig my fingernails into my palms so hard they draw blood, hating to just stand here and wait and not try to save the day.

“Where are you taking him?” I hear Jareth’s father demand. “As citizens of Elysian Hills, we have the right to know.”

“And don’t try to do anything stupid,” his mother adds. “We are witnessing this arrest. If he’s not treated in a lawful manner, we will report your patrol to the proper authorities.”

“Don’t get your panties into a bunch,” the demon sneers. “We’re taking him to the Lake of Fire prison, nice and legal like. You can file an application to visit once he’s been processed.”

“We will do that. And I better not see a hair on his head out of place when we do.”

I can’t help a small smile at Jareth’s mother’s bravery. Standing up to slimy demons can’t be easy. But she loves her son. I can hear it in her voice. And I’m pretty sure she’d stand up to Hades himself to protect him.

It’s not long before I hear the heavy front door slam shut behind the demons and their voices fading off into the distance. The bookcase slides open and Jareth’s family peers in at me. “Rayne?” Sarah calls. “Are you okay?”

How do I even answer that question? I emerge from my hiding spot, my whole body still shaking. Jareth’s mother pulls me into a warm hug, stroking my hair. “I’m sorry,” she whispers. “I wish he hadn’t done that. He didn’t have to.”

I pull away from the hug. “Actually,” I tell them, “I think he did. But don’t worry. I’m not going to give up until I get him out.”

“Oh, Rayne, I’m so sorry!” Sunny cries, as I tell her and Race the story later that evening back at my father’s house. “You must be totally freaking out.”

I flop back on the couch, staring up at the ceiling. “Freaking out doesn’t even begin to cover it. I can’t believe I just stood there and let them take him away. Without even a fight. What’s wrong with me?”

“What good would it have done to have both of you in jail?” Race points out. “This way at least you have a chance to save him.”

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