Home > Night of the Soul Stealer (The Last Apprentice / Wardstone Chronicles #3)(26)

Night of the Soul Stealer (The Last Apprentice / Wardstone Chronicles #3)(26)
Author: Joseph Delaney

'Where will it get new strength from?' I asked.

'Fear, lad. That's how it'll do it. A stone-chucker feeds upon the fear of those it torments. Some poor family nearby is in for a night of terror. I don't know where it'll go and who it'll choose so there's nothing I can do about it and no warnings to be given. It's just one of the things we have to accept. Like killing that poor old tree. I didn't want to do it but I had little choice. That boggart'll keep moving, gathering strength, but within a day or two it'll find itself a new, more permanent home. And that's when somebody will come and ask us for help.'

'Why did the boggart become rogue in the first place?' I asked. 'Why did it kill?'

'Why do people kill?' asked the Spook. 'Some do and some don't. And some who start out good end up bad. I reckon this stone-chucker got fed up with being just a hall-knocker and lurking around buildings scaring people with raps and bumps in the night. It wanted more: it wanted the whole hillside to itself and planned to drive poor old Henry Luddock and his family out of their farm. But now, because we've destroyed its home, it'll need a new one. So it'll move further down the ley'

I nodded.

'Well, maybe this'll cheer you up,' he said, pulling a piece of yellow cheese out of his pocket. He broke a small piece off and handed it to me. 'Chew on this,' he told me, 'but don't swallow it all at once.'

Once back at the Spook's house, we brought Meg up from the cellar and I settled back into my routine of chores and lessons. But there was one big difference. As we were expecting boggart trouble, the fast continued. It was torture for me to watch Meg cook her own meals while we went hungry. We had three full days of starving ourselves until my stomach thought my throat had been cut, but at last, about noon on the fourth day, there came a loud knocking on the back door...

'Well, go and see to it, lad!' commanded the Spook. 'No doubt it's the news we've been waiting for.'

I did as I was told, but when I opened the door, to my astonishment, I found Alice waiting there.

'Old Mr Hurst sent me,' Alice said. 'There's boggart trouble down at Moor View Farm. Well? Aren't you going to ask me in?'

Chapter 8

The Spook had been right in his prediction but he was as surprised as I'd been when I showed our visitor into the kitchen. 'The boggart's turned up at the Hursts' farm' I told him. 'Mr Hurst's asked for help.'

'Come through to the parlour, girl. We'll talk there' he said, turning to lead the way.

Alice smiled at me, but not before she'd glanced towards Meg, who had her back to us and was warming her hands over the fire.

'Sit yourself down' my master said to Alice, closing the parlour door. 'Now tell me all about it. Start at the beginning and take your time.'

'Ain't much to tell' Alice began. 'Tom's told me enough about boggarts for me to be sure that it's a stone-chucker. It's been throwing rocks at the farm for days - it ain't safe to go out. Risked my life just getting out to fetch you. The yard's full of boulders. There's hardly a pane of glass left and it's knocked three pots off the chimney stack. It's a wonder nobody's been hurt.'

'Hasn't Morgan tried to do anything about it?' asked the Spook. T taught him enough of the basics about boggarts.'

'Ain't seen him for days. Good riddance to bad rubbish!'

'Sounds like it's what we've been waiting for' I said.

'Aye, reckon so. You'd best prepare the herb tea. Make it as strong as last time.'

I stood up and opened the cupboard next to the fireplace, taking out the big brown glass bottle. As I turned round, I could see the disapproval on Alice's face. The Spook saw it too.

'No doubt, as usual, the lad's told you all about my private business. Therefore you'll know what he's going to do and why it's necessary. So take that look off your face!'

Alice didn't reply but followed me into the kitchen and watched me make the herb tea while the Spook went into his study to bring his diary up to date. By the time I'd finished, Meg was dozing in her chair, so I had to wake her gently by shaking her shoulder.

'Here, Meg,' I told her as she opened her eyes. 'Here's your herb tea. Sip it carefully so that you don't burn your mouth .. .'

She accepted the cup but then stared at it thoughtfully. 'Haven't I already had my tea today, Billy?'

'You need an extra cup, Meg, because the weather's getting colder by the day'

'Oh! Who's your friend, Billy? She's such a pretty girl! What lovely brown eyes!'

Alice smiled when she called me 'Billy' and introduced herself.

'I'm Alice and I used to live at Chipenden. Now I'm staying at a farm nearby'

'Well, come and visit us whenever you want,' Meg invited. T don't get much female company these days. I'd be glad to see you.'

'Drink your tea, Meg,' I interrupted. 'Sip it while it's hot. It's best for you that way'

So Meg began to sip the potion and it didn't take that long for her to finish the lot and nod off to sleep.

'Better get her down the steps into the cold and damp!' Alice said, an edge of bitterness in her voice.

I didn't get a chance to reply because the Spook came out of the study and lifted Meg from her chair. I took the candle and unlocked the gate while he carried her down to her room in the cellar. Alice stayed in the kitchen. Five minutes after our return, the three of us were on the road.

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