Home > Night of the Soul Stealer (The Last Apprentice / Wardstone Chronicles #3)(60)

Night of the Soul Stealer (The Last Apprentice / Wardstone Chronicles #3)(60)
Author: Joseph Delaney

'Emily, eh?'

The Spook ignored him.

'What's done is done and I wish Morgan had never taken the grimoire and it was still safe under lock and key.'

'So do I!' Andrew said, raising his voice and becoming angrier by the second. 'Your duty is the County. You've said that often enough. What you've done in keeping that book rather than burning it amounts to a dereliction of that duty!'

'Well, brother, I thank you for your hospitality but not for those harsh words,' the Spook said, an edge of anger in his own voice. T don't interfere in your business and you should trust me to do what's best for everyone. I just called here to let you know the situation we're in, but it's been a long hard day and it's time we were off to our beds before we say things we'll really regret!'

With that, we left Andrew's in a hurry. As we walked down the street I remembered why we'd visited in the first place.

'We didn't ask Andrew to fix the lock,' I said. 'Shall I run back and tell him?'

'No you won't, lad,' said the Spook angrily. 'Not even if he were the last locksmith in the County! I'd rather fix it myself.'

'Well, now the weather's improved,' I asked, 'could we start searching for Morgan tomorrow? I'm really worried about Dad ...'

'Leave that to me, lad,' the Spook said, his voice softer. 'I've thought of a few places Morgan might have gone to ground. Best thing is if I set off well before dawn tomorrow.'

'Can I come with you?' I asked.

'Nay, lad. I've more chance of catching him napping by myself. Trust me. It's for the best.'

I did trust the Spook. Although I could see some sense in what he was saying, I still wanted to go with him. I tried one more time to persuade him but realized I was just wasting my breath. If the Spook makes up his mind, you just have to accept it and let him get on with it.

The following morning, when I came down into the kitchen, there was no sign of the Spook. His cloak and staff had been taken and, as promised, he'd left the house long before dawn in search of Morgan. After I'd finished my breakfast my master still hadn't returned and I realized that his absence provided a chance just too good to miss. I was curious about Meg and decided to pay a quick visit to the cellar to see how she was doing. So I helped myself to the key on top of the bookcase, lit a candle and went down the steps. I went through the gate and locked it behind me, continuing downwards towards the cellar, but when I reached the landing with the three doors a voice suddenly called out from the middle cell:

'John! John! Is that you? Have you booked our passage?'

I came to a sudden halt. It was Meg's voice. He'd released her from the pit and put her in a cell where she'd be more comfortable. So he had softened. No doubt she'd be back in the kitchen within days. But what did she mean by 'booked our passage'? Was she going on a voyage? Was the Spook going with her?

Suddenly I heard Meg sniff loudly three times. 'Well, boy, what are you doing down here? Come to the door so that I can see you better ...'

She'd sniffed me out so it was no use creeping back up the steps. No doubt she'd tell the Spook where I'd been. So I walked up to the cell door and peered inside, taking care not to get too close.

Meg's pretty face smiled at me through the bars. It wasn't the grim smile she'd given when we'd struggled. To my surprise, it was almost friendly

'How are you, Meg?' I asked politely.

'I've been better and I've been worse,' Meg replied. 'No thanks to you. But what's done is done and I don't blame you for it. You are what you are. You and John have a lot in common. But I will give you one piece of advice - that's if you're willing to listen.'

'Of course I'll listen,' I told her.

'In that case heed what I have to say. Treat the girl well. Alice cares about you. Treat her better than John treated me and you won't be sorry. It doesn't need to end up this way'

'I like Alice a lot and I'll do my best.'

'See that you do.'

'I heard you ask about 'booking a passage',' I said, turning to leave. 'What did you mean?'

'That's none of your business, boy,' Meg replied. 'You could ask John but I don't think you'll bother because you'd only get the same answer from him. And I don't think he'd want you prowling about down here without his permission, would he?'

With that I muttered 'goodbye' and set off back up the stairs, taking care to lock the gate behind me. So it seemed the Spook still had his secrets, and I suspected he always would. No sooner had I put the key back in its rightful place than he returned.

'Did you find Morgan?' I asked, disappointed. I already knew the answer. Had he done so, Morgan would have been with him, bound as a prisoner.

'No, lad, sorry to say that I didn't. I thought I might find him lurking in the abandoned tower at Rivington,' said the Spook. 'He's been there recently all right - no doubt up to no good. But it seems to me that he never settles in one place for long. Still, don't worry yourself, I'll search again first thing tomorrow. Anyway, in the meantime you can do something for me. This afternoon, have a wander down into Adlington and ask that brother of mine if he'd mind coming up to fix the back door,' said the Spook. 'And tell him I'm sorry that heated words passed between us and that one day he'll understand that I did things for the best.'

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