Home > Night of the Soul Stealer (The Last Apprentice / Wardstone Chronicles #3)(74)

Night of the Soul Stealer (The Last Apprentice / Wardstone Chronicles #3)(74)
Author: Joseph Delaney

'What things, Mam?'

'You'll know soon enough. Don't ask me now.'

'But you'd be alone, Mam. What can you do alone?'

'No, Tom, I wouldn't be alone. There are others who'd help me - precious few, I must confess.'

'Stay here, Mam. Stay here and let it come to us,' I begged. 'Let's face it together in my land, not yours...'

Mam smiled sadly. 'This is your land, is it?'

'It is, Mam. This is the County, where I was born. The land I was born to defend against the dark. That's what you told me. You said I'd be the Spook's last apprentice and then it would be up to me to keep everything safe.'

'That's true enough and I won't deny it,' Mam said wearily, staring into the flames.

'Then stay and let's face it together. The Spook's training me. Why don't you train me too? There are things you can do that even he can't. The way you once silenced the ghasts here on Hangman's Hill. He said that nothing could be done about ghasts; that they just faded away in their own time. But you did it. They were silent for months afterwards! And then I've inherited other things too. 'Intimations of death', that's what you called it. I knew when the Spook was close to death recently. And when I think back, I knew when he was on the mend too. I'll know next time when somebody turns the corner on the way back to health. Don't go, please. Stay and teach me.'

'No, Tom,' said Mam, coming to her feet. 'I'm sorry, but my mind's made up. I'll stay here one more night, but I'll be on my way tomorrow.'

I knew I'd argued enough and it was just selfish to continue. I'd promised my dad that I'd let her go when the time came and the time was now. Alice was right: Mam was in two minds, but I knew it wasn't up to me to make the decision for her.

Mam turned to face Alice. 'You've travelled a long way, girl. Further than I ever dared hope. But there are bigger tests yet to come. For what's ahead you'll both need all of your combined strengths. John Gregory's star is starting to fade. You two are the future and the hope of the County. He needs you both by his side.'

Mam was looking down at me as she finished speaking. I stared into the fire for a moment and shivered. 'The fire's nearly out, Mam,' I said, giving her a smile.

'You're right,' said Mam. 'Let's go down to the farm. All three of us.'

'Jack won't want to see Alice,' I reminded her.

'Well, he'll just have to put up with it,' Mam said, in a tone that told me she'd stand no messing from Jack.

And the truth was, in his happiness to see Mam back, Jack hardly seemed to notice Alice at all.

After having a bath and changing her clothes, despite Ellie's pleas that she should rest, Mam insisted on making the hotpot supper. I stayed with her in the kitchen while she cooked, and told her most of what had been happening up on Anglezarke. What I didn't tell her was how Morgan had tortured Dad's spirit. Knowing Mam, I wouldn't have been surprised to find out that she knew already But even if that had been the case, it would still have been too painful for her. So I just didn't mention it. She'd been hurt enough.

When I'd finished, she didn't say much except to draw me close and tell me I'd made her proud. It felt good to be home. Little Mary was upstairs safely asleep, the beeswax candle was in the brass candlestick at the centre of the table, a warm fire was blazing in the grate and Mam's food was on the table.

But beneath the surface things had changed and were continuing to do so. We all knew that.

Mam sat at the head of the table, in the place that had once been Dad's, and almost looked like her old self. Alice and I sat opposite Jack and Ellie. Of course, by now Jack had been able to collect his thoughts and you could tell that he didn't feel comfortable with Alice being there but there was nothing he could do about it.

Little was said at the table that night, but as we finished our hotpot, Mam pushed away her plate and came to her feet. She looked at each of us in turn before she spoke.

This might well be the last supper that we'll ever share together' she said. 'Tomorrow night I'll be leaving the County and I might never return.'

'Nay Mam! Don't say that' Jack begged, but she silenced him by raising her left hand.

'You'll all need to look after each other now' she said sadly. 'That's what your dad and I would wish for you. But I've something to say to you, Jack. So listen well. What it says in your dad's will can't be changed because it reflects my wishes too. The room under the attic must belong to Tom for the rest of his life. Even if you were to die and your own son inherited, that would still be the case. I can't explain my reasons to you, Jack, because you wouldn't like what I told you. But there are a lot more things at stake than just your feelings. My last wish, before I leave, is that you fully accept what has to be done. Well, son, do you?'

Jack nodded and bowed his head. Ellie looked frightened and I felt sorry for her.

'Right, Jack, I'm glad that's sorted out. Now bring me the keys to my room.'

Jack went into the front and came back almost immediately. There were four keys in all. The three smaller ones were for the trunks inside the room. Jack placed them on the table in front of Mam, who picked them up with her left hand.

'Tom and Alice' said Mam, 'both of you come with me.' So saying, she turned away from the table, left the kitchen and started to climb the stairs. She went straight up to her private room. The one she always kept locked.

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