Home > Beautiful Burn (The Maddox Brothers #4)(67)

Beautiful Burn (The Maddox Brothers #4)(67)
Author: Jamie McGuire

I laughed once. “I can’t meet your family, Tyler. Are you insane?”

“I already told Dad you were coming.”

I frowned.


“We can’t just be friends now. Not when I love yous have been thrown around. We can’t go back. You’ve ruined it.”

“You’ve ruined me.”

“It was your turn.”

He managed a small laugh, looking down. “Get the fuck outta my truck, Edson.”

“Done,” I said with a smile. “See you around.”

I fished the key out from the small, fake rock by the back door, and then waved to Tyler as he reversed his truck and pulled away. Once inside, I lugged my bag and the laundry basket up a set of stairs, seeing the perfectly clean apartment. No décor, no candles, no pictures of anyone I loved.

I sat on the floor and sobbed—emotionally exhausted, heartbroken, and relieved.


The only downside to living in a brand-new apartment above the MountainEar for almost nothing was that once fire season was over, Tyler was working down the street every third day. The unseen benefit was that Jojo liked to hang out upstairs after work, and sometimes she’d take me with her to Turk’s—and the owner’s daughter got a nice discount.

We sat at a table in a corner, sipping on Hurricanes in the dim light. Christmas decorations were already hanging from the ceiling, and red and green tinsel garland spiraled around the wooden beams standing at each corner of the bar.

“Good God these are huge drinks,” Jojo said, her words slurred. “I’m only to here,” she said, touching the middle of her glass, “and hammered.”

“The quicker the better,” I said, irritated that I wasn’t even buzzed.

The door blew open, and in walked a line of familiar faces, chatting and smiling.

I sunk in my seat. “Shit.”

“What?” Jojo said, turning to see the source of my reaction.

“Liam!” she said with a wide grin.

Liam heard his name and turned toward our table. Jojo waved like an idiot, and he switched direction, heading straight for us.

“Jojo! Damn it!” I hissed.

Jack, Fish, Jubal, Sage, Zeke, Bucky, Sugar, Cat, Taco, Watts, Smitty, Runt, Puddin’, and Pup followed, filing into our booth and pulling up chairs when the space was filled. I was squished between Jojo and Liam, and she looked unhappy he’d gone left instead of right to sit next to her.

“You couldn’t bring the whole crew, huh?” I said, elbowing Liam.

He laughed and rubbed his ribs. “The rest are coming. Except the twins. Taylor stayed in Colorado Springs, and Tyler went home.”

“What’s the occasion?” Jojo asked.

“Fire season’s over. Most of the guys are getting on a plane in the morning,” Jubal said, patting Pup on the shoulder.

They all looked exhausted, skinny, and content.

“Tyler didn’t want to come out on everyone’s last night?” I asked.

Watts pulled out his phone. “He will if I tell him you’re here.”

Everyone laughed but me. “Please don’t.”

“Too late,” Watts said, replacing his phone in his pocket.

My shoulders sagged.

Liam leaned into my ear. “So you dumped him, did ya? That’s rough.”

“I didn’t dump him. We weren’t together,” I said.

Sage spoke up. “He’s sure been moping around the last two weeks. I don’t think I’ve seen him so miserable.”

Jojo looked at me with sleepy, glazed eyes and jutted out her bottom lip.

“Stop,” I warned.

“Chief said he’s going to let you back next season,” Liam said.

“Really?” Jojo asked, her eyebrows lifting so high they threatened to skim her hairline.

“Yeah,” Liam said. “The poor bloke heard about it every day from twenty crewmen.”

“Are you and Jack going to the airport tomorrow?” I asked.

“Nah. We’re gonna do some sightseein’. You should come.” He looked to Jojo. “Your photographer should do a feature on the Great American Road Trip. She could cover your travel section.”

“We’re not that kind of magazine,” Jojo said, annoyed with Liam now that he wasn’t flirting with her.

He turned to me again. “You should come.”

“I can’t.”

“Why?” he asked.

“Because I have a job, and bills, and I can’t just pick up and leave. I’ve seen the States. Most of them, anyway … and the rest of the world.”

“Oh. World traveler, are ya?” Liam said. He was beautiful—even twenty pounds leaner, cheekbones more pronounced and eyes a bit sunken in—but the part of me that wanted to act on attraction had been stolen by Tyler, and he wasn’t giving it back anytime soon.


“Her dad owns Edson Technologies, genius,” Jojo said.

The men at the table all covered their mouths and said Oh! in unison. I wasn’t sure why. Her comeback wasn’t that great.

“Your father is Philip Edson?” Liam asked, shocked.

“You’ve heard of him, huh?” I said, twirling the straw in my tall glass.

Jack laughed. “We’ve had Paris Hilton following us around in the woods all this time?”

I wrinkled my nose. “Take that back, fuck-knuckle. Right. Now.”

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