Home > Pivot Point (Pivot Point #1)(50)

Pivot Point (Pivot Point #1)(50)
Author: Kasie West

Laila snaps her gum. “What reason is that? So adults can maintain control over us? They just don’t think we can handle the extra power. They think we’ll abuse it.”

“I don’t know why they’d think that,” I say sarcastically, pointing to the car whose alarm she just disabled. “How?”

“I mentally find the car’s electrical board and Erase the last thirty seconds of its ‘memory.’” She finishes with air quotes.

I glance between the car and her several times.

“And there’s more,” she says. “Watch this.” She holds up her hands and closes her eyes. I’m not sure what I’m waiting for. The car has already been wiped. But then suddenly, with a jolt that radiates through my body, the car wails back to life. I throw my hands over my ears, my shoulders going up as well. She smiles wide and then quiets the car again. I don’t move.

She points at me. “Why are you doing that? Why didn’t you just mentally muffle it?”

Why did I do that? Out of practice? “I don’t know. I was surprised, I guess.…” I lower my hands and stare at the car. My mind races. “Did you just …”

“I restored its memory.”

My mouth opens and closes twice before I’m finally able to say, “I didn’t know you could do that.”

“I couldn’t. Advanced. Ability. Control.” She laughs. “Come on.” She tugs on my arm, and we start walking again.

“You’ve been hanging out with Bobby?” I ask, the rest of her admission finally catching up with me. How did he of all people end up in her new pool of friends? “Bobby.”

“I know, I know.” She waves it off like it’s no big deal. “But I had to. I wanted to be able to defend myself. My dad has this creepy friend who keeps coming around the house, threatening my mom and me, and I found out Bobby is really good at enhancing abilities.”

We cut through the dark baseball field, toward the football stadium. “Some guy threatened you? Is everything okay?”

“Yeah, it’s fine. He’s a loser who gets off on scaring girls. It probably makes him feel tough. Nothing I can’t handle.”

I hook my arm in hers. “Be careful, okay?”

“Yeah, I will.”

“Speaking of, have you heard about a murdered girl around our age in the Compound?”

“What? No. Why?”

“It’s something my dad is investigating, but if you haven’t heard about it, I guess that means they haven’t released it to the public yet.”

“A murder? In the Compound? Are you sure? Who did it?”

“They’re interviewing suspects. It might not be a murder at all. They think she may have killed herself.”

“That would make more sense. That sucks. So does this mean you’ve been snooping in your dad’s things? You naughty girl.”

I kick at the dirt as we head toward the lit-up ticket booth. “I know, he would be so mad.”

“I’m surprised you’ve been able to keep it from him.”

“He just hasn’t asked the right questions yet. Let’s hope he doesn’t start.”

We hand our tickets to the lady when we reach the booth and then enter the stadium. The sound of the band playing and the noise of the crowd immediately make my heart pound.

“Look at you grinning like a fool,” Laila says.

“I’m excited for you to meet my new friends. And for them to meet you. And don’t forget …”

“Yeah, we’ve never heard anything about Lincoln High.”

“Thank goodness we’ve never been to an away game before, or they might’ve recognized us.”

“Your lack of school spirit has proven useful. Where exactly does Trevor think you’re from?”


“They made you a California girl?”

“Not technically. But I claimed it. I’ve been there. Once.”

She rubs her brightly colored lips together. “So, what—do you describe It’s a Small World when he asks about your home?”

“I usually just change the subject.” I grab hold of her arm. “Come on, there they are.”

“We should mess with some Norm minds tonight,” she says, with a mischievous smile. “Make them do funny things.”

“No.” I squeeze her arm, forcing her to look at me. “Don’t. They’re really nice and smart and … just don’t, okay?”

“Okay, okay.” We continue our walk toward the group. “Which one’s Trevor?” she asks. I notice they’re all dressed normally tonight, no painted bodies or wigs. It must be for the “surveillance mission” we’re on.

“Wait, let me guess.” She slows her walk. “Who would Addie be drawn to? Cute, but understated. Shy, but confident. The dark-haired guy with his boot on the bench in front of him.” She points directly at Trevor.

The group hasn’t noticed Laila and me yet, but Trevor is the only one who isn’t moving—his eyes are fixated on the field. Rowan is climbing over Jason and reaching under the seat. Jason is attempting to push him to the ground. Daniel is blowing up a beach ball. Katie and Lisa have their cell phones out and are texting, and Brandon is trying to get Lisa’s attention.

“And where is Trevor’s girlfriend?”

I point to the field. “She’s a cheerleader.”

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