Home > Lone Wolf Rising (The Winters Family Saga #1)(20)

Lone Wolf Rising (The Winters Family Saga #1)(20)
Author: Jami Brumfield

She didn't need a classroom, she needed air. She turned and ran towards the entrance of the school. Her wolf heard his footsteps fall in behind her but she couldn't stop. If she didn't get to the air she felt like she was going to die.

She burst through the doors, flew past the parking lot and only stopped when she reached the tree line that marked the end of school property. When she turned around Lucky was there. He approached her and she threw her hand up. He slammed into an invisible barrier, a wall of air that separated them. Rebecca shook her head as she tried to catch her breath. "You’re wrong, Lucky."

"Becca, what did you do?" He flipped himself up from the ground after the invisible barrier had knocked him down and placed his hands forward. They laid flat against the barrier as he tried to find a hole in the wall.

Rebecca took deep breaths as the air filled her lungs and strengthened her. "I just need some air." And she needed space. She needed time and space away from all the supernaturals including the wolf in her mind. She needed to regroup but she couldn’t even get that because the wolf was constantly talking to her, constantly influencing every decision she made; constantly flipping her emotions on and off, into anger, sadness, and happiness. Dianna was right. It was like having a second personality that becomes so integrated into her body that she could not tell where one starts and the other ends. The wolf, the responsibilities, the challenges, the strangeness, the danger was beginning to suffocate her. Her world was turning upside down and she couldn’t seem to find a way to place it right again. She wondered if it would ever be right again.

If the wolf had her way, she would be marrying Gabriel and having multiple werewolf pups. If Rebecca got her way she didn’t know what she would do. She only did all of this because she wanted to avenge her parents. But now, she had to question the logic behind that decision as well. Everything was spiraling out of control.

‘Breathe, young one. It will get better.’ The wolf tried to calm her down, but, frankly, Rebecca was tired of her voice and simply ignored her.

"Rebecca, why can't I reach you?" Concern dripped from Lucky’s words. "What’s happening?"

But Rebecca ignored him as well; her attention drawn to that familiar feeling of being watched returned. It made her feel dirty and sent ice through her veins. She stood up straight and turned her eyes to the scan the school grounds.

“Becca, what’s going on?” Lucky cursed as he kicked at the air shield she had created.

Rebecca’s mind raced as she continued to scan the horizon. The wolf sent a distress call out to anyone that was listening as the feeling of dread began to consume Rebecca. "I’m looking for the person who has been spying on me."

Chapter Fourteen

~"I love the man that can smile in trouble, that can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection. 'Tis the business of little minds to shrink, but he whose heart is firm, and whose conscious approves his conduct, will pursue his principles unto death."

~Thomas Paine


Lucky turned around, standing protectively in front of Rebecca. Ready to fight with lightning speed, he drew his brass knuckles. Thanks to their training yesterday she knew where his other weapons were located if they were needed. Apparently chivalry was not dead after all. Rebecca rolled her eyes and would have punched him in the arm if she could have broken through the shield. "Can you please remove this stupid barrier?" She kicked it out of frustration and it blew her backwards landing her flat on her rear. "Ouch."

"Becca, I didn’t create the shield, you did; which, by the way, should be impossible for a werewolf." He shook his head, confusion floating in his eyes. "How did you do it? If I didn't know any better I would say you used air elemental magic?"

"If I thought you did it, wouldn't it make sense that I don't have the answer to your question?" The sarcasm in her voice made him turn irritated, worried eyes in her direction. Thankfully, she managed to pick herself up and leaned against the tree behind her for strength before he saw her flat on her backside.

"Well, may I suggest you get rid of the shield while I find your spy?" He returned the sarcasm which got him Rebecca’s famous death stare in response. Unfortunately, his back was turned so he couldn't appreciate its full effect.

Rebecca concentrated on the air barrier with absolutely no idea how to make it go away. She pressed against it softly, and it still kicked back, but not enough to hurt her this time. Rebecca knew it was only there to protect her, but what was it protecting her from? Lucky meant her no harm; well, accept to her heart. Surely it wasn’t created to keep her from a broken heart, not that she’d known Lucky long enough to get attached that much.

This all happened because Gabriel made a play for her, stupid wolfman. She hadn't had very much experience with the male half of her species but she was beginning to see a trend; Neanderthals, the lot of them. She pushed the thoughts out of her mind. None of this was helping. Rebecca closed her eyes and centered her breathing. Her only focus was on releasing the magic that suspended the air.

"I don't see anyone out here. Are you sure we’re being watched?" Lucky asked turning toward her with a worried look on his face. He pulled out his phone and made a phone call when he saw her concentrating on the barrier. It was interesting; she could almost see him even with her eyes closed. "Hey, I think we need a little magical assistance."

"Where are you?" Rebecca heard a familiar female voice on the other end. Unfortunately, she couldn’t give the voice a name.

"You better not be calling my grandmother." Rebecca warned, opening one eye halfway.

He ignored her as he went on. "At the school, northwest side, at the tree line."

"I’ll be right there." She hung up.

"Natalia! You called our neighbor?" Rebecca opened both eyes and fought off the urge to kick the barrier again. "I really don't trust her."

"I do. Besides, she owes me. The only other option was your grandmother and I know you don't want me to call her."

Gabriel jogged up from behind Rebecca, "you rang?"

She spun around and glared at him. Her wolf found it difficult to be angry with him which only reinforced her theory the anger was from her. "What’re you doing here?"

He shrugged and leaned lazily against the same tree she used a few minutes ago to rest on. "You called and I came.”

"I most certainly didn’t call you!" Rebecca sounded appalled by the notion.

He looked at Lucky and gauged the situation. It wasn't Gabriel who spoke, it was Lucky. "You’re his alpha, Becca. Were you thinking about him?"

Rebecca looked at him. "Yeah, I was thinking how this whole situation was his fault."

"And you swore fealty to her?" Lucky's glare was full of menace and directed towards Gabriel.

"You know I did. I marked her with my protection."

"The first step to the mating process." Lucky's jaw muscle started ticking. "By the Gods, Gabriel, what were you thinking?"

"Her wolf connected to me. I make no excuses for that. It’s the way the world works." He wound his arm around Rebecca’s waist and pulled her against him. "I know you’re only here as a protector but you can leave, she’s safe with me."

Rebecca pushed him away. "Like hell I am!" She started pacing, "what is all this talk about my wolf and mating?"

‘Mine!’ The wolf panted in her mind.


‘Yes.’ And with that the wolf abandoned her to focus on Gabriel.

‘Now who needs to get her hormones under control?’ Rebecca muttered sarcastically in her mind. The wolf didn’t answer.

Lucky touched the invisible wall which was obviously still there. Hurt passed through his eyes when he looked at Rebecca and they both realized at the same time that Gabriel wasn’t blocked from her but Lucky was. "It looks like your choice was made for you."

Gabriel looked between Lucky and her. "Wait, are you two really dating?"

They both looked down at the ground, unsure how to answer that question.

Gabriel frowned. "Gods, Lucky, you’re my best friend! Had I known. But you know the rules. You’re a stickler for the rules and would never break them." He shook his head and in that moment Rebecca finally saw vulnerability in him that she never knew was possible. It made him look human. "This line of thinking will get both of you killed." A fierceness she hadn’t seen but somehow knew existed in him came to the surface, he was a wolf after all.

"Can we discuss this later, when we get rid of this shield?" Lucky asked coldly.

Gabriel sniffed the barrier, which he could feel from this side. "It’s made up of elemental magic. What witch did it; I’ll find her and bring her to undo it." He looked between both of them again. Rebecca worried her hands and Lucky ran his through his hair. "Look, guys, I’m trying to help. Whether you like it or not, our wolves are connected which means we’re connected to each other. My wolf is fiercely protective, that means I need to keep you safe."

"I think Rebecca did it." Lucky said sadly. "She was feeling threatened."

"And trapped." She added, "I had an overwhelming need for air."

"She ran out of the school and I followed. When she turned, I was behind her and she slammed up the barrier between us." Lucky finished the story.

"What you’re saying isn’t possible. Wolves have no control over the elements. Only witches control that area of magic. It helps maintain balance." Gabriel glared between them with narrowed eyes. "Just tell me who it was and I’ll get them."

"They’re telling the truth, and it’ll remain a secret between the four of us, agreed?" Natalia came up behind Lucky. She waited for all three of them to agree before continuing. "I figured you were air." She said with approval as she examined the air barrier.

"How’s this possible, Natalia?" Lucky asked. Rebecca could tell they were good friends by the way he looked at her with respect. That one look made her reconsider her first impression of Natalia. Maybe she was better than she originally assumed.

Natalia shrugged and pushed her black glasses up on her nose as she dug through her backpack. "Strange things happen when two powerful lines come together." She looked to her left and paused. It looked like she was listening to someone, but no one was there. Then she nodded her head. "Your great grandmother is here. She was also an air witch and she’s impressed with the command you have with the element." Natalia smiled at Rebecca.

"Bethany?" Rebecca had never met her great grandmother but she heard amazing stories of how she bravely helped people despite the consequences; by non- magical means of course. In fact, if she remembered the story right, it was the husband of one of the women she was helping that eventually killed her. The man spent the rest of his days in an asylum for the criminally insane.

"Yes, she says to remove the spell you need to reverse the fear that put it up in the first place." Natalia spoke with quiet, patient tones.

Rebecca looked at Lucky and Gabriel. The fear of rejection, the fear related to this new life, the constant fear of death at every turn. Which one? She closed her eyes and allowed her mind to search for the answer. The truth was far more dangerous, her fear was directed more so at herself. She feared her own ability to protect herself and those she loved. "And how am I supposed to remove a fear?"

Natalia shook her head and pursed her lips, "not remove it, simply relax the fear reaction."

Natalia looked at Rebecca, waiting patiently for a moment and Rebecca simply stared back, confused and irritated. “Don’t you think if I could relax I would’ve already?” She wanted to scream it was all getting overwhelming, her world was spinning out of control and Natalia wanted her to relax! She wanted to tell them she wasn’t ready for this. Instead, all she did was lean into Gabriel for support while her wolf chided her for showing weakness.

Natalia sighed heavily, gave Lucky an irritated glare and turned to Rebecca with her hands on her tiny hips, determination in her silver eyes. "Okay, close your eyes... relax... focus on your breathing.” Her voice became almost melodic as she continued and Rebecca obeyed her commands. "Breathing in relaxation.... hold it... and breathe out any stress or tension you may be feeling... again breath in... and out... continue to focus on your breathing as you listen to my voice. Any other outside noises will simply serve to relax you more."

Rebecca’s mind tried to fight Natalia’s words but the melody was a bit intoxicating.

"Imagine you are in a safe place... somewhere in nature. Anywhere will do. Good. Very good."

Rebecca felt her body start to relax as Natalia’s words sang a song to Rebecca’s inner self. Even her wolf began to relax. Natalia had Rebecca imagine a bright light overhead and instructed her to allow that light to circle her body in safety and relaxation. When Natalia was done, relaxing and protecting Rebecca from head to toe she asked Becca to open her eyes and step forward. Rebecca did, without a word, and the barrier was gone.

Without thought of consequences Rebecca flew into Lucky's arms and felt the safety surround her as he embraced her back. "I’m so sorry. Whatever the issues are, we will find a solution. Friends or more, I don’t care." She whispered; her choice made. She’d take whatever he was willing to give. Deep inside she knew she needed him at her side. A small amount of fear ignited when she saw the doubt in his eyes and expression.

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