Home > Lone Wolf Rising (The Winters Family Saga #1)(41)

Lone Wolf Rising (The Winters Family Saga #1)(41)
Author: Jami Brumfield

‘I told you to stay inside.’ She looked at the long claws that were now her fingernails. ‘Thank you.’

The wolf growled in her mind as Rebecca felt the teeth in her mouth grow but that was the extent of her change. The wolf was holding back the rest of the transformation, keeping her human half in control, barely. It really was an integration of both wolf and human. Her body was a weapon; she didn’t need the hidden weapons on Lucky’s body.

Inch by inch, body by body, they made their way towards Celestia and Savvy. When Rebecca got close enough she noticed the two puncture wounds in Savvy's neck. Rebecca finally understood what the saying 'seeing red' actually meant. Her vision turned deadly as anger filled her. The alpha even staggered for a moment, and a moment was all her attacker needed, he sliced down Rebecca’s torso with his sharpened claws and she winced as the pain counteracted the anger. She recovered quickly, adrenaline flooding her system. In moments she re-focused and ripped out his throat with a guttural growl from deep within. It was the first person she’d ever killed. Sadness filled her for the lost life, but necessity forced her to continue with the battle.

In that moment Rebecca’s eyes connected with Savvy's and she saw fear mirroring inside those eyes that were as large as saucers. Rebecca glanced back at her team, her unconventional pack and saw that Gabriel was doing his best to hold his own, but he was weakening, it took a lot of energy to maintain the state between transformations in human form. She was getting weak herself. Hunter was cornered and Natalia was already being held down by one of the attackers. Sundae and Jackson were in trouble. Lucky and Persephone were slicing through body after body in a blind attempt to get to Savvy who was now crying. The vampires continued to pour in and Rebecca briefly wondered if this was what it was like for her pack the night they were murdered.

Her alpha screamed at her to keep fighting, but her mind told her to stop. "Celestia, stop this now! What do you want?" She ducked out of the way from another vampire that swooped towards her. Rebecca lost her balance and went tumbling into the cement floor and rolled head over feet until she crashed into the dampened wall. She scrambled to her feet quickly.

Celestia seemed to be examining her fingernails while the bodies continued to fall around her. She had no care towards her own people, just the desire to win.

Rebecca growled deeply, the growl made everyone, enemy and ally freeze for a moment, even Celestia looked up. "So, you’re finally serious? It took attacking you to get into the game?" Celestia tsked.

"I said what do you want?" Rebecca pushed the anger down as she looked at her wounded friends and family. Not one person, friend or enemy went unscathed from the attack.

"I told you before; all I want is a truce, that and your backing that I become the new vampire queen when the opportunity arises."

The sound of battle ceased. Everyone focused on Celestia and Rebecca. Rebecca heard hearts pounding and breathes being held. Everyone hung on the conversation between them. Celestia had Rebecca backed into a corner and there was very little she could do about it. "Okay! First, I want the truth; every good truce should be based on truth."

"About what, your parents’ deaths?" Celestia smirked. “Or should I say your mother’s death. Your father is still alive and well.” She pointed towards a shadow that slowly revealed her father as he stepped forward.

“Hello, children.” Hunter dropped the pipe, which bounced off the floor. Savvy and Rebecca stared, mouths open as they took in the sight of their long dead father. The shock of dark brown hair and sparkling green eyes sent dread down their backs.

“What kind of joke are you playing at? Our father has been dead for ten years.” Rebecca fought back the tears that threatened to fall. As the reality of the situation hit her, she recognized that unsettling feeling she got when her stalker was watching. Oh my Gods! He was the man watching her from the shadows this past week!

“No joke. Like you said, every good truce should be based on truth.” Celestia walked over to their father and circled his body with her fingers. “Your father has been my ally for years, ever since your mother died.”

He looked at Rebecca and she recognized that creepy feeling. He really was her spy!

“As far as how your mother died? Well, I will leave that up to him to explain.” Celestia continued, satisfaction played in her deadly eyes and Rebecca resisted the urge to scratch those eyes out of her head.

Rebecca didn’t know what to think. Her entire world crumbled around her. Everything she had believed for the last ten years was a lie. “And mother?” It was her voice that asked. The wolf went back to her place in her mind. This was her pain to face.

“I’m afraid she was killed by my family.” Her father, no Maverick answered simply. He was no longer her family. His voice was cold, disconnected, and without remorse.

Rebecca took a step forward; Savvy's hand was only inches from hers. "Your family killed mother? Why?"

“We can talk about this later, without the audience.” His voice held warning.

“Good, now tell me when you’ve caught up." Celestia clapped her hands excited as the pieces started to fall into place in Rebecca’s mind like a jigsaw puzzle that had sat unfinished for too long.

"Did you ever love mother?" She couldn’t help it. The questions kept coming, tumbling from her lips. She needed to know.

"No, she was simply a job. You children, on the other hand, he loved very much. It was that love that almost got him killed." Celestia answered for Rebecca’s father.

"You lie!" Hunter stated angrily. Rebecca had almost forgotten he was there. He made an attempt to attack Celestia, but Gabriel stopped him. The pain in Hunter’s voice and face made something click off inside her. Her emotional attachment to their father, to Maverick died in that moment.

"I'm sorry. She speaks the truth." Maverick stated sadly.

"So you faked your death and killed mother to make sure we never learned of our family heritage?" There were so many pieces that just didn’t fit.

"On the contrary, he realized he made a mistake not letting you learn the craft, but your mother disagreed with his sudden change of mind. He had no choice but to remove the obstacles in the way of your training. He had to remove himself and her, and hope your grandmother picked up the training." Celestia stated. “I’m sorry, I can see this hurts you, but you wanted to know the truth.”

Rebecca ignored Celestia’s fake sympathy. “Grandmother never trained us. We’re useless to you.”

"She tried and failed. That’s why I came out of hiding. I need to teach you three how to defend yourself. There is a war on the horizon and without the proper defense you could die." Maverick’s eyes pleaded with them to understand him. But Rebecca didn’t care; she had nothing left for the man who was once her beloved father.

“And how do you fit into this?” Rebecca asked Celestia.

"Were you two having an affair?" Hunter asked bitterly. He was now side by side with Rebecca. Gabriel stood on the other side of him to keep him from attacking. Lucky was next to her on the other side ready to fight anyone who came near them. The rest of the group stood in a line behind them.

"You can say I was the other woman." Celestia smirked. “But not in the way you would expect. I was your father’s sire.”

"And you think we can be allies after all this?" Rebecca asked incredulously.

"You’re the best option I have at the moment. Everyone is interested in the new alpha and what she has to offer. Tomas was a tyrant. Be thankful you were never under his rule." Celestia stated coldly

"Did you kill my pack?"

"No. I already answered that question at our last visit. Please try and remember. I hate repeating myself."

"But you know who did?" Rebecca asked coldly.



"I tire of this. I’ve answered your questions about your parents’ deaths. Now, do we have a truce?" Celestia placed her hands on Savvy's shoulders.

Every part of the alpha in Rebecca screamed no, it took all she had to be the one responding to her question, "yes."

"Good." She smiled and in the next instance she snapped Savvy's neck.

Any connection Rebecca had to Savvy broke instantly. Rebecca screamed “No!” As she bolted towards Celestia and her sister’s lifeless body. She could hear Hunter screaming "No" behind her but she was completely disconnected to the world around her. Rage filled her and was replaced with overwhelming grief instantly. It was her fault. Once again a family member died because of actions she did. Gabriel and Lucky ran after Rebecca. She fought them. She didn’t care who got in her way she would get her revenge.

Her fist hit Lucky’s face square in the jaw. She heard it crack as Gabriel grabbed her around the waist and spun her away from connecting with Lucky again. Lucky stood dangerously close to Rebecca as he asked her, “Rebecca, focus on my voice. Close your eyes and focus.”

“No. No. No, that did not just happen!” She burst into tears as her knees gave out beneath her. Gabriel fell to the ground with her and the world as she knew it crumbled around her. She was vaguely aware of Persephone and Natalia attempting to hold Hunter back. Vaguely aware of their father and Felicity watching from the sidelines as the drama of her life fell apart.

“You will all pay for that.” Sundae’s cold, eerie voice echoed through the room.

If it weren't for the alpha Rebecca would’ve broke in that instant. "We. Had. A. Deal." Tears flowed down her cheeks. Gabriel and Lucky were at her side, both trying to comfort her. She pushed them both away.

“Stay away from me, both of you!” She zeroed her eyes on Gabriel and Lucky. “We are over!” If she hadn’t spent all that time trying to figure out the relationship between them maybe she would have been able to save her sister.

Only Hunter could give the comfort she needed at the moment as he dropped to the ground next to her and held her hand. Rebecca wrapped her arms around his shoulders and allowed the tears to fall. The flood gates were open and she allowed herself to feel everything. Her guilt, sadness, disgust, helplessness, and every other emotion that was responsible for pulling her into that familiar dark abyss.

"We still have a deal. Now I have insurance that you won't turn on me. Your sister will awaken from death's door as my vampire princess. She will be my liaison with you." Two of the men they’d previously fought were picking up Savvy's lifeless body and carrying her away. Her body was twisted in an odd position, her neck hanging over the vampire’s arm. Her eyes open, staring at Rebecca. The crown she wore was moments away from falling off her head. The beautiful satin dress seemed out of place on the limp body. Rebecca wanted to reach up and close her eyes and fix her crown, but her sister was out of her reach now. She was no longer with them. She was gone.

Celestia reached a hand down to help Rebecca up. She wanted to smack it away and rip her throat out, but instead she took it. She was playing a long game and she and Savannah were major players. "We’re now family."

Felicity stood behind Celestia, void of any emotion on her face. Rebecca lashed out and slashed the pretty girl’s perfect face. Her claws extended instantly. Gabriel and Lucky grabbed Rebecca and pulled her back before she could rip the nephilim’s throat out. Rebecca’s eyes were red with fury and made it perfectly clear she was going to kill her. She would kill everyone if given the chance. Even Celestia, most assuredly Celestia and Maverick. They would all die before this was over.

Celestia started towards the door, pausing in the dim light. "I’ll contact you shortly and keep you apprised of her transformation." She turned to leave but stopped. "It was Violet who ordered the death of your pack."

The current vampire queen. Well, at least when Rebecca overthrew that reign she would be getting the vengeance for her pack. And in the next moment she was gone, and so were her goons. And so was their father. The only one who remained was Felicity. “You will pay for that, wolf!” She cupped her hand to her face and blood seeped out of her fingers.

“Get out of here, Felicity. I don’t ever want to see you again.” Lucky snapped.


“Get out of here before I let Rebecca finish you off.” His voice was filled with disgust.

Felicity turned and left. Rebecca’s feet gave out again as another wave of sadness washed over her and Lucky caught her before she fell to the ground. Hunter was wrapped in Natalia's arms as he cried and Gabriel lowered his head in defeat. Jackson, Persephone, and Sundae stood in the background. No one spoke.

No matter what it took, Rebecca would avenge Savannah, their mother, and her pack. To hell with justice and doing things the right way. Now, things were different. She made that promise to the gods.

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