Home > Lone Wolf Rising (The Winters Family Saga #1)(33)

Lone Wolf Rising (The Winters Family Saga #1)(33)
Author: Jami Brumfield

"Hand to hand. I want to teach you some techniques you can use to get out of compromising enemy holding patterns. For example, what would you do if someone held you like this?" His speed was amazing. One minute he was in front of her, the next he was behind her holding both her arms hostage. It brought back memories of the dream and the way Gabriel was holding her and she blushed knowing he had the same dream.

In truth she had no idea why Sundae did what she did, she was missing in action from school today. She honestly thought things were good between them after their talk in the dress shop. But tomorrow she would find out. Lucky jerked her backwards, jarring her from her thoughts. She tried twisting and turning but the more she struggled the tighter his grip got, and the closer their bodies moved towards each other. It was like a gravitational pull that was irresistible. His rough voice whispered against her ear, sending shivers down her spine. "Do you give up?" His breath was as shallow as hers.

'Becca, are you okay?' Gabriel's voice echoed in her mind. It was enough to break the spell and royally piss her off.

'Yes, I’m in training! Leave me be.' She hollered back, irritated once again at the intrusion. Mental telepathy wasn’t as great as one would think.

'Sorry, I just felt like you were in trouble.' He sounded hurt which made her feel even guilty about the situation.

"Rebecca, are you paying attention?" Lucky whispered harshly.

‘Step on his foot. Then turn around and kick him. Once he is off balance twist his arm back and spin him to the ground.’ The wolf offered direction.

‘Thanks.’ Rebecca followed the instructions. But instead of twisting his arm she squatted down and kicked his legs out from under him. He fell hard against the mat. Rebecca straddled his h*ps and placed her arm against his neck, applying the slightest amount of pressure. “You’re dead.” She smiled. “Was that good enough for you?” Rebecca asked with a dazzling smile.

“Not bad.” He chuckled and flipped her backwards onto the mat. He moved forward, his breath warm on her face. “Now how are you going to get out of this mess?”

Rebecca bucked up which only got her further tangled. He grabbed both of her hands and held them firmly above her head.

‘Twist your wrists. Dig your fingernails into his hands. When your hands are free buck up, and when he is in the air flip over onto your stomach.’ The wolf offered a solution.

‘Yeah, right.’

‘Do it!’ She growled.

Rebecca followed the instructions. Her actions were a surprise to Lucky which gave her an advantage. The steps actually worked and Lucky was behind her which gave her the ability to push up and knock him off her back. He flipped himself up to a standing position.

“Is your wolf helping you out today?” He grinned.

“She doesn’t enjoy us getting close. Any excuse to keep you at a distance.” She said lightly.

“That doesn’t bode well for a possible relationship.” He said matter of fact.

“I guess you’ll have to earn her respect.” She shrugged. “As for me, you already have it. So are we going to talk or fight?”

Before she finished her question he had both of her hands pinned behind her back, his chest against hers. His lips were inches from hers; his breath hot on her skin. “And how does she feel about this?”

Rebecca’s body responded to his closeness. The wolf growled her displeasure. “She’s not too happy about it.”

“Good.” He pulled her closer. “If I were honest I’d have to admit it’s a turn-on irritating your wolf.”

"Are you going to teach me or hold me all night?" Rebecca snapped sharper than she intended.

Her ice-cold tone caused him to release her immediately. He stood in front of her and had her grab him the same way so he could demonstrate how to get out of the hold. After a few maneuvers Rebecca learned how to slip out of that grip and a few more. They didn’t speak much during the training. They let their bodies do the talking instead.

When they decided to take a water break she used the distraction to attack him, swooping low and kicking his feet out from underneath him. The look of surprise on his face was well worth any price she was going to pay for attacking him without warning. She jumped on top of him and pulled the dagger from his ankle holster and placed it dangerously close to his neck. "You’re dead." Rebecca was only able to hold the evil look for a moment before she burst into laughter and moments later he joined her in the laugh.

He wrenched the dagger from Rebecca’s hand and pulled her tight against his chest. Eyes locked, and breathing grew shallow as the silence stretched for a few moments. His free fingers toyed with her long braid which had fallen forward. "I wish you would hurry up and decide already." He smiled, dimple and all. Rebecca knew he was referring to her making a choice between him and Gabe. She just wasn't sure what to say. Last night she would’ve chosen Gabriel and tonight she’d choose him. She needed space away from both of them to see who she couldn't live without.

"What’s that?" He asked, eyes narrowed on the silver mark Gabriel gave her. She couldn't very well wear a scarf while fighting; it would’ve been a liability.

"Well, don't you two look cozy?" The voice was unfamiliar. Rebecca snapped her head in the direction it came from; thankful for the distraction, at least for a moment. The voice belonged to a gorgeous redhead, long and lean. She had angry green eyes trained on her. If looks could kill she’d have melted on the spot, thankfully looks couldn't do anything but warn her of the danger behind the stranger’s eyes.

Lucky dropped the blonde braid and Rebecca rolled onto the mat. He was on his feet so fast all she saw was a blur. "Felicity, what’re you doing here?"

"Felicity? As in future wife Felicity?" Rebecca asked, now irritated by the sudden interruption.

"Ah," Felicity took a few steps down the stairs, French manicured fingernails walking the same path down as she spoke, "so you do know about me. They way things looked a moment ago I would’ve sworn you had no idea he was promised to another."

"What’re you doing here, Felicity?" Lucky's voice held a harsh amount of irritation.

Felicity continued to stare at Rebecca, wishing she was dead, no doubt. "Your mother called and thought you needed help training the new alpha; I assume you’re her?" Her voice and demeanor held an air of superiority. Something Rebecca really hated from people.

"Yes, I’m Rebecca Winters."

"Winters? As in the Winters?" Felicity directed her question to Lucky this time, completely ignoring the hand Rebecca stretched out to shake in greeting.

Rebecca stepped in front of Lucky, blocking Felicity’s path. "Yes, that Winters." She answered.

Felicity didn't look at Rebecca, her eyes now accusing Lucky of all sorts of terrible things. "Well, Rebecca, I’m here to help train you." She finally looked at Becca, "I hope you don't mind?"

"Of course not, the more the merrier." Rebecca answered tightly.

"Good, now if you will excuse me, I would like to hug my fiancé." Felicity walked right past Rebecca and flew into Lucky’s arms.

That ugly jealousy monster popped its head up again, but Rebecca held her tongue. He was, after all, promised to her, and had been since they were in diapers. She’d only known him for less then a week, so her hold on Lucky was a lot less.

The rest of the night was spent watching Lucky use Felicity as an example to teach Rebecca different ways to get out of holds. By the time he was giving her a ride home Rebecca was numb inside. The silence stretched between them. Both lost in their thoughts.

She looked at him, the muscle ticking in his jaw, eyes straight ahead, both hands on the steering wheel revealing white knuckles.

"Are you going to talk to me?" Rebecca asked him, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Sure, how about you tell me about the mark on your neck?" His glare cruel and cold.

"I will, once you tell me why Felicity is here." She was sorry the words were out the moment she spoke them. He never hid Felicity from her. It’s just that she never expected her to be so beautiful and so evil at the same time.

His stern look softened, just slightly. "Look..."

"The dream." Rebecca interrupted him, he wasn’t to blame for this mess. She was. He didn't need to apologize. She did. "Last night…the dream."

He ran a shaky hand through his blonde locks. "That was real?"

Rebecca nodded. "But I had no idea it was real. Neither did Gabriel, and apparently, you. I think Sundae did it. I don't know why." She shook her head, confusion setting in. "She said we were friends. Why would she do that?"

"To help you choose." He laughed, a deep laugh, and one Rebecca thought was completely inappropriate. "You’ve got a lot on your plate. My guess is she was trying to help you eliminate one of those choices."

"But all she did was allow Gabriel to mark me."

"And while you were unaware, you allowed him to do it." He said, sadly. “Part of you knew what was happening and accepted it. You had to agree to the marking.”

"I also allowed you to kiss me, and other things." She felt a blush burn her neck and cheeks.

"But you let Gabriel mark you." His voice was full of hurt. "And I don't blame you. I told you I was unavailable. Gabriel can promise you forever and I can only give you now." He said just as he pulled up to her house. He couldn't have timed it more perfectly.

"That didn't matter to me." She wanted to talk more; she wanted to discuss their options.

"Good night Rebecca. I’ll see you tomorrow." And like that he had shut down the conversation. He wasn't listening; he was waiting for her to leave. So she did.

Chapter Twenty-Five

~”If you know the enemy and know yourself you need not fear the results of a hundred battles.”

~Sun Tzu


Lucky picked them up for school Thursday morning and played the perfect boyfriend; saying all the right things, offering his hand in all the right moments, even planting a soft kiss on Rebecca’s cheek when he thought it would benefit their cover. But the actions were lacking emotion, and connection. It was like he had built a wall between them and there was no way she was going to climb over it today. If she was being honest with herself she wasn't sure she wanted to break through that wall at the moment. It was kind of hard fighting for someone who doesn't fight for you back, especially when you had someone else fighting for you.

Gabriel came to school today as well, though most of his time was spent making sure Willow and River were set up correctly in their classes. At lunch, Savvy and Danny joined Hunter, Natalia, Lucky, Jackson and Becca. Halfway through lunch Gabriel managed to saunter up to their table and sit on the other side of Rebecca. Savvy tossed angry glares his way, but he managed to ignore them with a level of admirable restraint.

Jackson seemed to be recovering nicely after the news of Dianna’s death. He hadn’t spoken to her since they talked about it Monday in the lunch line which was odd. They used to talk about everything all the time. She wanted some time alone with him to find out how he was really doing, but she was so overwhelmed with everything else that she had no idea where to find the time. She missed him. She’d have to make it because he was her best friend. “How did auditions go Jacks?”

He took a bite and shrugged while he chewed. “We will see tomorrow when they post the cast. I think I did well.”

“And everything else?”

“Fine, I guess.” He looked down at his plate, then to Savannah, Danny and Hunter. “You should be more interested in how practice is going for Hunter.”

Rebecca’s face mirrored the questions in her mind. That was an odd change of subject. Danny sat up straighter and Hunter stopped chewing as all eyes went to him.

Hunter swallowed his mouthful and grinned. “Still second string.”

“And proud of it.” Natalia offered her support. She really was a good gal.

“I can work with you some more to help you move up the ranks.” Danny offered which got him a brilliant smile from Savvy.

“Thanks, but I’ll pass on your type of help.” Hunter stated dryly as he kissed Natalia on the cheek and went back to eating.

Rebecca shook her head. She knew Hunter and Danny didn’t get along, but that interaction was stranger than usual. It had to be that he was unhappy with Savvy’s choice in boyfriends.

"So are Willow and River settled in their classes?" Rebecca asked Gabriel as Lucky snaked his arm around her waist and pulled her closer to him. She shot him a look of irritation before returning her attention to Gabriel who was smirking over the exchange.

"They’re good to go. Sorry I was absent yesterday but I can see you were in good hands." He grinned evilly toward Lucky's hand on her waist.

"She’s always in good hands with Lucky." Savvy shot her words across the table. Danny chuckled; Natalia pushed her glasses up and turned her attention to a book she was reading while Hunter and Jackson simply looked back and forth between Gabriel, Lucky and Rebecca.

"We’re all friends here." Rebecca gave Savvy a look to settle down.

Lucky's grip tightened and the mark on Rebecca’s neck began to burn. She looked around, trying to change the subject when she caught sight of Sundae. Rebecca bolted out of her seat and started towards the tiny girl. Within seconds Lucky and Gabriel were behind her; all three of them having a stake in what happened in their dreams the other night.

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