Home > Crave (The Clann #1)(92)

Crave (The Clann #1)(92)
Author: Melissa Darnell

A sharp sting stabbed at the side of my neck, and the world went black.


I had to pull over. I couldn't see the road through my tears.

It had finally happened. I'd felt the bloodlust. That was the only explanation for it.

No denying it now. I was turning into a full-fledged vampire. And that put Tristan in an incredible amount of danger. From me.

I didn't have any excuses anymore. I would have to break up with him. Tonight.

Fumbling with my cell phone, I finally managed to dial his cell. Only to reach his voice mail instead. I couldn't leave a message; his parents might hear it.

When I couldn't cry any more, I finished the drive home then trudged into the house.

"Savannah, your father finally called again," Nanna said as soon as I shut the front door.

"What? Did he leave a-"

"On the hall table by the phone."

I ran for the phone and number. Oh, please, let him have a solution for all of this!

He answered on the first ring.

"Dad!" The relief was so sharp it was almost painful, making me forget how much I wanted to hate him. I sank onto the edge of my bed. It would be all right now. He might still be a spy for the council, but at least he had the answers I needed to fix everything. "Oh, man, do I need to talk to you. Are you okay? I thought you'd be gone for weeks, not months."

"I am fine. And, yes, we do need to talk. However, it should be done in person. I am back in the States now. Can you meet me for lunch tomorrow at our usual restaurant? Eleven o'clock sharp. Be sure to dress nicely."

Dress nicely? He must have gone off the deep end while on his trip. And what was with the businesslike tone? "Um, sure, Dad. But you sound...weird. Is something wrong?"

"We will discuss it tomorrow. See you at eleven." He hung up.

I stared at the phone, muttered, "Yeah, I missed you, too, Dad," then ended the call. I don't know why I'd thought the conversation would go any better than that. After all, nothing had really changed. Just because I'd admitted I was happy he was okay didn't mean he cared about me now.

Exhaustion pushed down on my shoulders, making it hard to even breathe, much less deal with yet another problem tonight. Sleep. All I wanted was sleep. I would deal with everything tomorrow.

Flopping back on my bed, I flipped the comforter over myself, then fell asleep still dressed with all the lights on.

I couldn't remember my dream when I woke up late the next morning. All I could remember was that Tristan had been in it and trying to tell me something, but he kept disappearing in a haze the exact color of blood.

I didn't want to think about him or what happened last night. Or the color of blood. Normal. I would surround myself with the normal today.

I had to rush through a shower in order to get ready in time for the lunch meeting with my father. I threw on the only pantsuit I had and twisted my hair into a low bun. It was while I was dabbing on some makeup to partially hide my puffy eyes and red nose that Anne called.

"Hey, the girls and I wanted to know if you will come with us to Tyler today," she said. Her tone was a little flat, as if she already knew my answer.

"I really wish I could, but I'm meeting my father for lunch today, then I have Charmers Spring Show practice until late tonight."

"Yeah, I figured you couldn't," she muttered.

"Aw, Anne, don't be-"

"I know, I know. Don't be mad, and you'll see us next week in the cafeteria." She sighed. "We just kinda miss hanging out with you outside of school, you know?"

Lord, the guilt was just piling up on me lately. "What if we have a group slumber party next weekend? I could come right after practice."

"Which lasts till what, nine at night on weekends?"

I winced. "More like ten or eleven."

She grumbled. "Nah, let's just wait till after the stupid show when you actually have time to hang out with your friends. That'll be in another month or two, right?"


"I've gotta run. See you Monday." She hung up.

Feeling tired already even though the day had just started, I ended the call and went in search of my shoes. Obviously as soon as Spring Show season ended, I would have to make sure to spend more quality time outside of school with my friends.

Nanna must have heard me getting ready in the bathroom. When I came out, she had a cup of steaming tea waiting for me on the dining table. I didn't have much time, so I drank it standing up.

"Always in such a hurry," she murmured with a smile, shaking her head as her hands almost magically whipped a ball of soft pink yarn into the tiniest pair of baby shoes I'd ever seen. The daylight flooding in through the patio door made her silver needle flash, drawing my attention. Reminding me of the way the lights had flashed on Dylan's silver camera as he'd run off with it. "You look worried, hon. Is everything all right?"

I forced a smile. "Everything's fine, Nanna." I swallowed hard. "Um, did anyone call today?" Like a really ticked-off descendant?

"Like who?"

I shrugged. "Just wondering if there were any calls for me or whatever."

"No, dear, I don't think so."

I tried not to sigh out loud with relief. Dylan must not have found the memory card last night. Otherwise the Clann would be going nuts by now.

Frowning, Nanna glanced at the wall clock near the kitchen. "Aren't you going to be late for lunch with your father?"

I glanced at my watch. "Oh, crap! Okay, gotta run. Love you." I bent down and gave her a quick peck on her papery cheek. "Don't forget, after lunch, I've got Charmers practice till at least seven, maybe eight or nine. So I'll see you later tonight, okay?"

"Okay, hon. Love you, too. Tell your father I said hello."

"I will. Hey, nice booties, by the way."

She grinned, her face lighting up like a little kid on Christmas morning. "Why, thank you, dear! See you tonight."

I arrived at our usual restaurant, Chez Corvet's, faster than I'd expected. My father was already waiting for me at a white cloth-draped table in the middle of the mostly empty restaurant.

He looked the same as always, perfectly polished in one of his usual dark blue suits. And yet the way he stared at me to day was different, colder somehow. The look definitely didn't invite any ecstatic, long-lost reunion hugs from me. Just seeing him staring at me like that reminded me why I'd given up trying to please him and refused to talk to him for months.

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